The Miracle of PropolisPropolis Treatments

Liquid Propolis and Its Effect on Wound Healing – Natural Healing Source

Sıvı Propolis | Yara İyileştirici | Antibakteriyel |

Sıvı Propolis’in hem insanlar hem de arılar için en değerli yönlerinden biride doğal antiseptik nitelikleridir

Propolis is one of the natural remedies that has been popular for a long time. The pharmacologically active molecules in propolis are flavonoids and phenolic acids and their esters. These components have many effects on bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, propolis and its components have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities. Propolis has also been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, clinical studies are needed to prove these claims.

By spreading propolis or its extract on wounds, you can protect open wounds and cuts, which are much more serious, from infection.

Secondly, its antioxidants can accelerate wound healing by reducing inflammation, ensuring healthy blood flow in these areas. Propolis has traditionally been used to treat wounds, insect bites, burns, skin disorders, and boils. Scientific documentation of its wound healing properties confirms its effectiveness as a wound repair promoter and antimicrobial agent. It promotes the activation of immobilized plasminogen in the wound matrix, resulting in the dynamic expression of the proteolytic enzyme. Plasmin causes blood clot retraction and fibrin degradation. It is an enzyme that breaks down fibrin clots with attached dead tissue in the wound bed.

Bad odor is a general feature of serious wounds caused by anaerobic bacterial species belonging to Bacteroides spp. and Peptostreptococcus spp. . Malicious compounds such as ammonia, amines and sulfur are produced by bacteria during the metabolism of amino acids from the deposited serum and tissue proteins. These compounds replace lactic acids by distributing a significant amount of glucose, a substrate metabolized by bacteria, with preference for amino acids. Therapeutic effects observed after propolis application include rapid healing, wound cleansing, clearance of pus, tissue degeneration, minimized inflammation and effective dressing due to low tissue adhesion.

In a similar situation, it can also be used as an anti-inflammatory cream for insect bites and other skin conditions that are not technically classified as wounds. The phytochemical compounds that contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect of propolis have been used for thousands of years to treat insect bites, rashes, and all kinds of skin irritations with either secretions made with propolis or by applying the substance directly to the skin. These have even proven effective for treating acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other infections in our body's largest organ.

Sıvı Propolis Özellikleri ve Yara İyileştirmesinde Kullanımı

Sıvı propolis, koyu kahverengi veya yeşilimsi bir renge ve yapışkan bir kıvama sahiptir. İçeriğinde bulunan flavonoidler, fenolik asitler ve terpenler, yara iyileştirme sürecinde etkili rol oynar. Bu bileşenler, antibakteriyel etkileriyle enfeksiyon riskini azaltır, antioksidan özellikleriyle doku hasarını onarır ve yara iyileşmesini hızlandırır.

Kullanım şekli:

  • Haricen Uygulama: Birkaç damla sıvı propolis, temiz bir pamuk yardımıyla doğrudan yara üzerine uygulanabilir.
  • Krem/Merhem ile Karıştırma: Sıvı propolis, bir krem veya merhem ile karıştırılarak yara üzerine sürülebilir.
  • Kullanım sıklığı: Günde 2-3 kez uygulanabilir. Yaranın durumuna göre doktorunuza danışarak kullanım sıklığını ayarlayabilirsiniz.

Warnings and Side Effects

  • Kullanmadan önce alerji testi yapılması önerilir.
  • Hamileler ve emziren anneler doktorlarına danışmadan kullanmamalıdır.
  • Arı ürünlerine alerjisi olan kişiler dikkatli kullanmalıdır.
  • Nadiren de olsa ciltte kızarıklık, kaşıntı gibi alerjik reaksiyonlar görülebilir.
  • Açık yaralarda aşırı kullanım tahrişe neden olabilir.

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