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Caraway Seeds And Its Benefits

Stumpwort Seed is a small shrub-like plant grown in many parts of the world. Its reddish brown seeds, usually 1.5-2 cm in size, are used.

The seeds of the cauliflower are 2-3 mm long, brown or dark brown in color, boat-shaped, tasteless and odorless grains.

The herb is used in traditional medicine in India and China as well as in our country.

Since the seed of the squash plant is a product rich in fiber, it is used as a laxative, especially for chronic constipation. It is especially recommended for hemorrhoid and anal fissure problems and after their surgeries, as it softens the stool and facilitates its passage through the intestines. The mucilaginous substance that the fruits are coated with stimulates the intestines, lubricating it and allowing waste to pass more easily.

Although it may seem contradictory at first glance, the herb is also used in the treatment of diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. The fruits absorb water as they pass through the intestines, reducing the amount of fluid in the intestines and solidifying the stool.

Another benefit of the herb is that taking it in a certain amount daily reduces the saturated fat rate and balances bad cholesterol. In this context, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The herb is also used for stomach and intestinal ulcers, and insulin balance in type 2 diabetes. It is also used as a weight loss aid as it maintains the feeling of satiety for a long time and ensures that the stomach empties more slowly.

The plant absorbs toxins in the large intestine and ensures their elimination from the body, and also reduces the risk of colon (bowel) cancer.

Like all laxatives, cauliflower should not be used for a long time. It is not right for people with or suspected intestinal disease and reflux to use it. Although it is safe for general use, it is not used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and infancy. Long-term use may cause reactions in people with allergic constitutions. It is recommended to drink a glass of water after use.

Especially women have a lot of trouble with their weight. For this reason, some try to do something on their own, while others spend a lot of money on experts. Some benefit, while others do not. The common point of diet and weight loss treatments is to make the person eat small but nutritious foods and prevent weight gain. The rest is details and method differences.

The large-leafed squash leaves are oval-shaped, have short stems, and have toothed or wavy edges. The flowers are grayish or dark-red. These species, which are 10-50 cm high, are perennial and herbaceous plants. The flowers are small and have 4 parts and are gathered in a spike shape at the end of the stem. This plant, which is also consumed as a salad in many countries of the world, is also good for many ailments.

Dried mature seeds are 2-3 mm long. They are dark or dark brown colored, boat shaped, tasteless and odorless grains. It has been determined that they contain mucilage substances in amounts up to % 30.

It is a perfect aid for diets. Because the seeds of the sorghum are a soluble natural fiber used in diets. It swells in water and provides easy excretion of stool. It is used with plenty of water to pass through the digestive system softly and comfortably. When taken half or 1 hour before meals, it reduces hunger by giving a feeling of satiety. It has another slimming feature that increases digestion and helps the person lose weight. It allows users to eat less in their regular meals. The seeds of this plant are used to reduce high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood and regulate blood sugar. Studies have shown that the seeds of the sorghum can reduce total cholesterol levels without affecting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-Beneficial cholesterol) levels. It would not be wrong to say that it regulates cholesterol.

The use of the Carob Seeds should be started with 1-2 glasses with plenty of water, if necessary the number of glasses can be increased. However, it should be taken as a maximum of 5 glasses per day, but it should be increased gradually. The laxative effect of the Carob leaves is due to the swell of the shell when it comes into contact with water. When it reaches the stomach, it expands 40-50 times and secretes a substance (Raghage) that helps the intestines work. This forms a gelatin-like mass and makes the stool soft. The soluble fibers obtained from the Carob seeds are very different from insoluble fibers such as wheat bran. When in contact with water, the soluble fibers become absorbent like a sponge, soften and reach a volume several times its normal volume. Thus, the person feels a sense of satiety.

Soluble fibers increase the weight of the stool and generally accelerate the excretion of stool from the body. It does not have the risk of addiction like other laxatives (mucilages). The structure of the fibers helps clean the intestinal walls. It breaks down the waste materials stuck in the folds and grooves of the large intestine and forms a slippery film layer on its surface. Thus, it facilitates the movement and excretion of waste materials. In observational studies, it has been seen that it can eliminate constipation due to conditions such as low fiber intake, low movement, and working constantly sitting. Soluble fibers prevent diarrhea due to their ability to absorb excess fluid from the stool. One of the most important features of the seeds of the cauliflower is that they cleanse the intestines from toxic substances. They ensure that harmful bacteria, undigested foods, substances such as gases and excess lactic acid, and many harmful chemicals are easily excreted from the body.

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