Shahtere Herb
When the content of the sahtre herb is examined; there are alkaloids and potassium salts, tannins and fumaric acid, which are thought to have biological effects in the plants.

The leaves, flowers and stems of the hawthorn plant; in short, all the aboveground parts carry tannin, potassium salts, fumaric acid, which gives a bitter taste, and the alkaloid called fumarin.
In Which Diseases Is It Used: It stimulates the appetite, is used for intestinal weakness (atony), loss of appetite, jaundice, tuberculosis. Externally, it is used against itch and skin lichens.
In folk medicine, the shahtere herb is used for jaundice, hemorrhoids, facial and body acne, water retention, constipation, sciatica, intestinal laziness, bad breath, tuberculosis, and vomit. Externally, the fried herb is recommended for use as a bath for the eyes.
Some of the beneficial effects of shahter, which has been known since ancient times and used for this purpose, are as follows:
It is diuretic and bile-reducing; laxative and tonic to strengthen the body. It also has sedative, slimming and blood pressure-lowering effects. However, today, the use of sahtere has decreased to benefit from these effects.
Today, it is most commonly used internally to treat eczema and acne.