Useful Plants

What is Broom Seed?

Broom Seed

Broom Seed Urticaria, also known as hives in medical terms, is a type of allergy. It manifests itself with unbearable itching on the skin that starts suddenly and can last for a few hours.

Small, red blisters on the skin may swell after a while. These symptoms can sometimes pass in a very short time, and sometimes they can last for a long time.

The cause may be insect or bee stings, spoiled food, certain foods, certain medications or excessive excitement. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find the cause of the disease.

After thoroughly crushing one tablespoon of broom seeds in a mortar, drink it twice a day (morning and evening) on an empty stomach with a few sips of water.

If you want the broom seed you will purchase from our store to be ground, please specify this.

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