Hunger Grass Seed Oil And Different Usage Methods
Since Hunger Herb Seed Oil is pressed from the Seeds of Alexandrian Hunger Herb, its effects are exactly the same.

Some of the most important benefits of burdock seed oil include reducing inflammation, increasing the body's ability to detoxify, stimulating the digestive system, increasing the strength of the immune system, protecting against the effects of the sun, and skin health, making it a beneficial oil to use in daily life.
Hunger herb Alexandria Some of the most important health benefits of hunger herb include its ability to stimulate the digestive system, detoxify the body, reduce inflammation, aid in weight loss, protect against the effects of the sun, boost the strength of your immune system, and maintain health.
What is Alexandria Hunger Herb?
Senna Alexandrina is one of the common names of Alexandria hunger weed. Although it is commercially grown in other countries, it has been stated that it does not provide the same effects as the hunger weed grown in Alexandria and Egypt. Alexandria Hunger weed is the most preferred for its health benefits, Hunger Weed Seed Oil obtained by pressing its large leaves and seeds that are in the legume class. Another name for this plant is Egyptian Hunger Weed. Leaves Seeds are dried for later use. The medical benefits of this plant have been known for thousands of years. Due to the high demand, it is an important product from Egyptian ports to this day, and therefore an important export is made.
It is 1-2m tall, has a vertical, unbranched, rounded trunk and reddish brown color and leaves on branches. Its leaves are 10-20cm long and consist of 5-7 pairs of leaves. Leaflets are 2-7cm long, 0.3-2cm wide, long, thin, spear-shaped, greenish colored, with entire edges and a deep vein in the middle. Its fruits are like bean pods, 1.5-2cm wide, 4-5cm long, kidney-shaped, flattened and its seeds are reddish, egg-shaped with short stems. Harvest time: It is possible to collect and dry the leaves from March to October. When drying, they should be dried in the shade and care should be taken to keep the temperature between 20-50C°.
The active ingredients in Hunger Herb include a number of unique acids that have a variety of effects on the human body. Some of these organic compounds include Chrysophanic acid and Cathartic acid, among other rare components. Although its areas of use are relatively narrow and traditionally involved almost exclusively purgative treatments, the plant's powerful effects are being used in many new ways. Hunger Herb can be brewed as a tea or its seeds can be pressed to obtain oil.
The ingredients of Hunger Herb leaves are listed according to their importance as follows;
Yapraklarında %2,5-3,5 oranında Hidroksiantrasen türevleri içerir ve bunun %70-80’ini Diantronglikozitler, %20-25’ini Antronglikozitler oluşturur. Diantronlarında %80’ini Homodiantronlar; Sennosid A, A1 ve B ve %20’sini Heterodiantronlar
Sennosides consist of C, D and D1. Homodianthrones consist of Rheins, Heterodianthrones consist of Rhein and Aloeemodins. Antronglycosides; Rhein-8-O-ß-D-glucoside, Rheindiglucoside, Aloeemodindiglucoside, Aloeemodin-8-O-ß-D-glucoside and Chrysophanol can be counted. Rhein, Aloemodin can also be found plain. It is found in the form of Antronglycoside in fresh leaves and is converted to Dianthrones by enzymes and dehydration during drying.
Flavonoids; Campherol and Campherin
Naphthaling glycosides (Naphthalene glycosides); Tinnivelling glycosides
Mucilage contains %2-5, resin and a small amount of essential oil.
The ingredients in its seeds are very similar to those in its leaves.
Health Benefits of Alexandrian Fasting Herb
Health benefits of Alexandrian Senna include:
Laxative properties
The most well-known use of Hunger Herb is that it has been known for thousands of years as a laxative. This effect helps to soften the intestines. It can be significantly helpful for people suffering from severe constipation, providing easy bowel evacuation. Constipation can be very dangerous for the gastrointestinal system, which is why herbalists often recommend Alexandrian hunger herb for this problem.
The distinct taste of hunger herb has an almost immediate effect on the stomach, which can trigger vomiting. For people who have consumed something toxic or have to cleanse their stomach in a hurry, Alexandrian hunger herb can help very quickly. Although this detoxifying effect is quite extreme, its powerful laxative effects are useful for cleansing the stomach while also cleansing your colon. Essentially, hunger herb provides a complete cleanse to your body. Hunger herb can be much more effective than the strong medications prescribed before a colonoscopy. For other medicinal uses, mix hunger herb with cloves, cinnamon, or other strong-tasting herbs to help eliminate this nauseating effect.
Parasite Removal
In many parts of the world, parasites still pose a major threat to public health. The laxative effect of the Alexandrian Hunger herb helps to reduce or expel helminths, that is, any worms in the intestines or parasites with its anthelmintic effect.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
In addition to its lactose properties, it can also help soothe inflammation for people suffering from hemorrhoids. It softens the stool and prevents painful bowel movements that can often occur in those with anal fissures or severe hemorrhoids.
In Weight Loss
Some studies show that Alexandrian fasting herb can prevent absorption. Since it prevents calories from passing through the bloodstream quickly into the body, this is definitely not a healthy long-term solution for weight loss, but it can cause rapid weight loss in a short period of time.
In the Immune System
To relieve a wide range of skin irritations, including psoriasis, acne, eczema and pimples, a treatment can be applied to the skin with the oil obtained from the sativa seed. The sativa seed and the sativa seed oil have antibacterial properties, strengthening the immune system against certain conditions.
There are no known side effects, but the following points should be taken into consideration.
People with colitis should not use Hunger herb, as it can cause excessive diarrhea.
If used frequently during the day, hunger pains have a strong laxative effect.
If used in excessive amounts, it may cause vomiting and nausea. Consumption should not exceed 2 courses per day.
Studies have determined that laxatives are not carcinogenic.
They found that Alexandrian hunger herb medicines or tea do not cause cancer.
Studies have shown that colon cancer is caused by poor nutrition and bad habits (alcohol, smoking). It has been determined that the tea and medicines of the hunger herb prevent cancer by shortening the transit time.
The potent nature of Hunger Herb makes it appealing for certain conditions, but it should only be used on a limited and infrequent basis. Long-term use can cause a dangerous electrolyte imbalance in your body, which can threaten many other systems. Be sure to monitor your use of Hunger Herb Alexandria Consult a medical professional about any chronic condition for which you need to use Hunger Herb Alexandria frequently.