herbal treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis

Apke Foreign Trade LTD | Ankylosing spondylitis natural treatment solutions

The word spondylitis means inflammation of the spine (backbone); the word ankylosis means the fusion of two bones into one. Taken together, the term ankylosing spondylitis refers to a chronic, rheumatic disease of the sacroiliac joint (the joint between the spine and the pelvis), although other spinal bones can also be fused with inflamed joints (especially the lower spine). Ankylosing spondylitis belongs to the group of diseases called spondyloarthropathies. Although it is quite rare, ankylosing spondylitis is a very important disease because it usually occurs in young men who have no other health problems.


The disease causes pain and stiffness (spasms) in the trunk, back, neck, hips, ribs and shoulders. Because the vertebrae and the structures supporting the vertebrae contract (stiffening), patients with ankylosing spondylitis tend to lean forward. Over time, the vertebrae of untreated patients fuse together and appear to be a single bone; an extremely hard and rigid spine forms. This can prevent movement of the arms and chest.


If you have ankylosing spondylitis, you may feel pain or stiffness in your lower back, especially in the morning and after a period of inactivity. The pain usually starts in the sacroiliac joint and gradually progresses upwards, affecting the neck vertebrae. Although the knee and ankle joints can also be affected, the number of joints affected other than the spine usually does not exceed 3 or 4. Exercise reduces stiffness, so patients with ankylosing spondylitis who do not exercise regularly become worse. Since the ribs and rib joints can also be affected by the disease, patients experience discomfort and difficulty when taking deep breaths or coughing.


Your complaints may decrease and increase, but the disease is chronic and progressive. The bones, joints and discs around the spine are damaged and fused, so the spaces become narrower. Protrusions called syndesmophytes often occur in the bones. In this case, extreme pain occurs during movements. Pain and stiffness in the lumbar region can cause walking problems. However, in most cases, the disease is mild and is usually diagnosed years after the disease begins. Very rarely, the heart, lungs and eyes can be affected by the disease, and in this case, a serious condition occurs.


The cause of ankylosing spondylitis is unknown. However, there are findings that show that genetic (hereditary) factors are effective. The disease most often occurs between the ages of 20-40, however, it can be seen even under the age of 10. The disease is seen in one in 10,000 people and is usually seen in men. It is 10 times more common in men than in women.




– Pain and tenderness in the back, calves, hips and other back joints

– Stiffness and limited movement in the back area, especially noticeable in the morning and decreasing with movement

– discomfort in the chest area

– swelling and pain in the knee, ankle and other joints

– weakness, fever

– loss of appetite, weight loss

– inflammation in the eye

– hunched or flattened back appearance


In addition to normal examination and radiological examinations, genetic testing can help with diagnosis since the disease has genetic characteristics. However, detection of genetic findings does not definitively confirm the diagnosis.


The aim of the treatment is to reduce joint pain and delay/correct any damage that may occur in the spine.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin and naproxen) are used to relieve pain, stiffness, and inflammation. These drugs help patients continue their normal activities and reduce pain. In cases where nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are inadequate, drugs such as sulfasalazine or methotrexate can be used. However, these drugs have many side effects and must be well controlled.

If the patient has nerve damage or severe joint damage, surgery is performed.

What You Can Do

If you do regular posture and breathing exercises, you can easily live a normal life. Physical therapy and exercise are the basis of treatment. It would be appropriate to get information from a physiotherapist about the movements you need to do.

Swimming is one of the best sports for you. Swim often.

Avoid movements that will put a strain on your back and waist and sports that may cause injury.

Hot water baths (spas) and massages in a hot environment will reduce your pain. Improve your sleeping position. Lie on your back on a flat surface without a pillow (or use a very thin pillow).

If you smoke, definitely quit. Otherwise, your lung capacity will decrease and you will have difficulty breathing.

In advanced cases, you may need to use devices that provide back support.

This disease cannot be cured at the moment. Since ankylosing spondylitis is a lifelong problem, you must learn to live with it. Your complaints may decrease and increase in unexpected ways, but you must accept that your disease will progress; however, if you take the necessary precautions and provide care, your complaints may not progress too much even though your disease progresses; or rather, since you know how to cope with them, they will not affect your life excessively. There may be severe periods in between, but remember that these may decrease over time. Treatment and care will allow you to live a normal life.


1. recipe

Rosemary, lemon balm, hawthorn flower, black cohosh, mistletoe, balm, lavender, persimmon, marjoram, shepherd's purse, bay leaf and eucalyptus leaf, all boiled and drunk as tea.



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The back area is massaged with Aktarland massage oil and wonder cream.

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