LOCATIONS: It grows in wet meadows, muddy water areas, in areas with peat and in rocky areas of mountain foothills.
STRUCTURE: It is a perennial herbaceous plant with a branched stem that is 15-30 cm high, scattered or straight from the bottom. Generally, the rhizome is short and thick, the outside is dark brown, the inside is red, and the characteristic dark beam formations are clearly seen in cross-section. The leaves on the stem are short-stalked or attached, the base leaves are 3-part and coarsely toothed and large. The flowers are long-stalked, and are found in the leaf axils as one. The flowers are yellow, each with four leaves and two cups, the corolla has 4 leaves, and the stamens are numerous. The fruits are many-seeded, wrinkled dry beads.
KULLANILAN KISIMLAR:Köksaplar kullanılır.Köksaplar erken, ilkbaharda (Mart ayında) veya güzün (Ekim ayında), 2-3 yaşındaki bitkilerin kökleri çıkarılır, yıkanır ve gölgede veya 45 dereceye kadar ısılı fırınlarda kurutulur.Kuru köksaplar kurutulurken madeni eşyaya dokundurulmamalı, madeni temas eden yerler kararır.Kuru bitkinin dışı koyu kahve veya kırmızı kahve, içi kırmızı renktedir.Kokusuz, acı buruk tattadır.Kabul edilen rutubet %14’tür.Balya halinde paketlenir.Kuru ve havadar binalarda muhafaza edilir.
KİMYEVİ TERKİBİ:Bitki tormentilin ve tormentol gkikozidi, kinin ve elagasidi, %35 kadar tanenler (başlıca kateşinler ve flobafenler), reçineli maddeler, eterik yağ, mum, nişasta vs. ihtiva eder.
IN WHICH DISEASES IS IT USED: The plant has a blood-thinning and constipating (astringent) effect. It is used in various bleedings (stomach ulcer, tuberculosis bleeding, heavy menstruation), diarrhea, leukemia, diabetes etc.
In folk medicine, it is used for diseases such as dysentery, malaria (with a mixture of blue citronella), headache, angina pectoris, hemorrhage, etc.
It is used externally as a bath for breast enlargement, inflammation of the oral cavity and strengthening of the gums (by rinsing). The entire plant is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1/10, left for 20 days and used against cracks in the hands, feet and skin. The whole fresh plant is kept in white wine for 10 days and then taken for strength and appetite.
USAGE: Boil 1 tablespoon of chopped rhizome in 0.5 lt. of water for 10 minutes. Take a tea glass three times a day before meals.
In our folk medicine, the following plants from the cinquefoil family are also recommended: White cinquefoil (Potentilla alba L.), for heart diseases and menstrual irregularities; goose cinquefoil (Potentilla anserina L.), against stomach and intestinal pains; silver-leafed cinquefoil (P. argentea L.), used as a compress for diarrhea and eye inflammations; lamb's chin (P. cinerra Chaix) and reptile cinquefoil (P. recta L.) against poisonous snake bites; reptile cinquefoil (P. reptans L.), for lard in pigs, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, and as a mouthwash to strengthen the gums; (P. rupestris L.), both drunk and applied as a poultice to the affected area for mumps in children.