Rosemary Oil And Its General Health Benefits
Rosemary oil is a popular essential oil with a wide range of health benefits. It is becoming increasingly important and popular these days, with more benefits including the ability to stimulate hair growth, increase mental activity, relieve respiratory problems and reduce pain.
What is Rosemary Oil?
Rosemary, also known as Rosmarinus officinalis, is a plant that is very popular in the Mediterranean region as a culinary herb. Many dishes are cooked with rosemary oil and freshly picked leaves. Rosemary oil is extracted from the leaves. The rosemary bush belongs to the mint family, which includes basil, lavender, myrtle, and sage.
Rosemary has been widely used for various purposes since ancient times. The Romans gave special importance to the rosemary plant and used it frequently in religious ceremonies. It was also used in wedding ceremony preparations, food cosmetic products and medicinal herbal products. Rosemary oil and plant extracts were used as incense by the ancient Egyptian civilization.
The health benefits of rosemary oil Paracelsus, a famous German-Swiss physician and botanist, made significant contributions to the understanding of herbal medicine in the 16th century. Paracelsus gave great importance to rosemary oil because of its ability to strengthen the entire body. He also said that rosemary oil has healing effects on delicate organs such as the liver, brain and heart.
Health Benefits of Rosemary Oil
Digestive Aids
Hair Care
Improves Oral Health
Skin care
Improves Cognitive Function
Relieves Stress
Boosts the Immune System
Relieves pain
Removes Bad Odor
Prevents skin diseases
Improves Respiratory Problems
Benefits of Rosemary Oil
Today, many medical preparations contain rosemary oil. The health benefits of rosemary oil, which have been studied with different methods, are listed below:
Digestive Aids
Rosemary oil is often used to relieve indigestion, gas, stomach cramps, constipation, and bloating. This oil is also thought to relieve symptoms of dyspepsia and is an appetite stimulant. Studies have also shown that rosemary oil is detoxifying for the liver and helps regulate the formation and release of bile, an important part of the digestive process. It also stimulates blood flow and improves circulation, which has been shown to help with the absorption of nutrients from foods. Rosemary leaves are often used in meat dishes, as they are particularly helpful in the digestion of lamb and beef.
Hair Care
Rosemary oil and rosemary teas are widely used in shampoos and lotions for hair care. Regular use of rosemary oil helps stimulate the follicles and makes hair longer and stronger. Rosemary oil is also known to slow down premature hair loss and balding. Therefore, it is an excellent tonic for people who are starting to show signs of baldness or male pattern baldness.
Rosemary oil is also beneficial for dry and flaky scalps. Regular head massages with rosemary oil nourish the scalp and remove dandruff. It is also often mixed with tea tree oil and basil oil to treat scalp problems alternately. For many years, rosemary has been used together with olive oil to darken and strengthen hair using hot oil treatments.
Improves Oral Health
Rosemary oil is a disinfectant and is usually used as a gargle by dropping it into water. It also helps to eliminate bad breath. With this application, rosemary oil prevents oral bacteria, gingivitis, cavities, plaque buildup and other harmful external conditions.
Skin care
Rosemary oil is not as widely used in skin care as it is in hair care, but it does have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that make it beneficial for treating eczema dermatitis, oily skin, and acne. Applying rosemary oil to the skin helps relieve dryness.
Improves Cognitive Function
Rosemary oil is an excellent brain and nervous system tonic. It is often used by students during exams because it increases concentration and helps to study efficiently. It stimulates mental activity and is a good remedy for depression, mental fatigue and forgetfulness. Whenever your brain gets tired, try taking some rosemary oil to relieve boredom and renew your mental energy.
In a 2003 study, researchers found that 144 test participants who inhaled rosemary oil during an exam showed significantly improved cognitive function. Some researchers have also begun to explore the option of using rosemary oil as an alternative treatment to slow the onset of Alzheimer's disease in some patients.
Relieves Stress
Apart from the general inhalation of rosemary oil, aromatherapy has been proven to reduce the level of cortisol in saliva. Cortisol is one of the main stress hormones released during stress. Since excessive cortisol in the blood occurs due to chronic stress, it can harm the body, such as hormonal balance and metabolism efficiency. A study published in 2007 stated that when rosemary oil and lavender oil were inhaled for five minutes, cortisol levels dropped significantly, which means that the natural dangers of chronic stress are no longer a risk.
Boosts the Immune System
Antioxidants are some of the most valuable defense weapons we have in our bodies to fight infection and disease, so apart from foods that increase antioxidant activity, rosemary oil also provides great benefits to overall health. The same study that found that cortisol levels decreased after simultaneous massage and inhalation of rosemary oil also found that the activity of dormant free radicals in the bodies of the test subjects increased significantly. They also stated that regular use or inhalation of rosemary oil in aromatherapy sessions or other ways can be effective in combating all diseases caused by free radicals, including cancer and heart disease, as it increases the strength of the immune system.
Relieves pain
Among the wide range of uses of rosemary oil in the treatment of pain relief are other effects such as headache, muscle pain, rheumatism and even arthritis, massage of the painful area with rosemary oil can quickly relieve pain. Steam baths with rosemary oil have been found to be effective in the treatment of rheumatism. It has very good anti-inflammatory properties to relieve nasal pain. It is also known to activate blood circulation, which helps to clot wounds for faster healing, which can reduce pain.
Removes Bad Odor
Rosemary oil has a captivating aroma that makes it a great inhalant. With its unique and intoxicating aroma, the oil is used in air fresheners, cosmetics, beauty aids, foods, bath oils, candles, and perfumes. When inhaled, the oil boosts mental energy and is known to clear the respiratory tract. Many people use a mixture of rosemary oil and water as an air freshener to eliminate bad odors in the home.
Prevents skin diseases
Recent studies have suggested rosemary oil to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and recurrent inflammation of the herpes virus due to its antimicrobial properties. The herpes virus quickly develops immunity to normal antiviral drugs, so alternative methods are always being investigated. A number of studies have shown rosemary oil to be an effective option for reducing herpes virus symptoms in test subjects and even reported that it reduced the level of transmission of the virus.
Improves Respiratory Problems
The benefits of rosemary oil in treating respiratory problems are well researched and supported. It is also known to be used for respiratory allergies, colds, sore throats and flu. Rosemary oil has antiseptic properties, so it is also effective in respiratory tract infections. Rosemary Oil is antispasmodic and therefore used in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Other Benefits
There are various other claims regarding the possible health benefits of rosemary oil, including its use for conditions such as the menstrual cycle, menstrual cramps, peptic ulcers, urinary flow, prostate, gallbladder, intestines, liver, cataracts, heart, sperm motility, leukemia, kidney, kidney stones and related pain, and is currently being studied for its potential to treat various types of cancer, including colon, stomach, breast and lung cancer. Rosemary essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy due to its versatility as a welcome aroma in very popular places.
Matters to be Considered : It can sometimes cause allergic reactions, so it should only be used if prescribed by your medical professional or after thorough consultation. Rosemary oil is volatile in nature, so it sometimes causes vomiting and spasms. Therefore, it should never be ingested. Rosemary essential oil is not recommended for use by pregnant, lactating or breastfeeding women. Excessive use of the oil may cause miscarriage or insufficiency in the fetus.
Rosemary oil is especially used in aromatherapy and is the most effective oil for consciousness. It can help boost mood, reduce stress levels, improve your memory and increase retention of information. It is also a good physical medicine that helps eliminate inflammation and headaches, boost the strength of the immune system, improve indigestion and even improve the health of the hair.