Shepherd's crook
Where it is found: It grows among cereals, in fields hoed as weeds, along roads and courtyards, inside courtyards and in trampled areas, up to 1200 m. sea level.
Structure: It is an annual herbaceous plant with well-developed roots, 20-60 cm long, straight or spreading stems, branched. The leaves are adjacent or short-stalked, narrow egg-lanceolate or rhombic-lanceolate, alternate. The flowers are white. They are pink or red, have 5 sections, and are found in the leaf axils as one or 2-5 pieces. The fruit is a dark brown to black matte, rough bead.
Parts Used: Stems, stems are collected at the time of flowering (June, September). They are dried in the shade or in drying ovens at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Dry stems and leaves are green, odorless and slightly bitter. The accepted humidity is % 12. They are packaged in bags or bales. They are stored in dry and airy buildings. (They can also be removed with the root according to the buyer's request.)
Chemical Composition: Tanning agents, traces of essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamin C, resins, wax, silicon acid, etc. Oxymethylanthracinones were found in the roots.
In Which Diseases Is It Used: It has a blood thinning and diuretic effect, increases blood pressure and increases the breathing volume in the lungs. It is used in pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach and intestinal bleeding, and uterine bleeding caused by tuberculosis.
In folk medicine, it is used for gallstones, pain and ulcers in the stomach and intestines, piles, diarrhea, excessive menstruation, white discharge, malaria, etc. Externally, the fresh plant is applied to wounds in the form of a poultice.
Usage: Boil 2 tablespoons of the plant in 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Take a tea glass 4 times a day before meals.
In our folk medicine, the following types of shepherd's crook can be used: Snake grass (Polygonum bistorta L.), the root of this plant is used for abdominal pain, stomach and intestinal bleeding, uterine bleeding, semen discharge (wetness) in men, and white discharge in women. Externally, it is used for tonsillitis, gargle to strengthen the gums, wash for white discharge, and compress for eczema. Fresh juice extracted from the root (1/2) is mixed with lard and applied to eczema. Eastern shepherd's crook (P. orienta L.), the aboveground parts regulate insufficient and irregular menstruation, and are used for hemorrhoids (drinking and in poultice form). (P. viviparum L.), the root of this plant is used for abdominal pain.