General Information

White Carrot, White Root, Ichkök, Sheep Carrot

White carrot, 

(Pastinaca sativa)

Sheep Carrot

Family: Apiaceae, Doldengewaechse, Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Drugs: Carrot root: Pastinacae radix
White carrot seed: Pastinacae fructus
Carrot root and seeds are used to make tea and tincture. 

Introduction: There are 14 known species of parsley family, the most important of which is the white carrot. In the old days, the white carrot root was the main vegetable during the Roman period, but later on, due to the widespread use of potatoes and celery, the white carrot was forgotten over time. 

Historically, the root of the parsnip has been used against gout and rheumatism and for weight loss. Its homeland is the temperate regions of Europe and Asia, from where it spread to other countries with temperate climates. Today, it is cultivated in countries such as China, America and North Africa. The parsnip grows on roadsides, lawns and bushes. The word Pastinum means pickling and sativa cultivar. 

Botany: The white carrot is a biennial or perennial plant that generally does not fork and grows vertically. The roots of the plant are white on the outside and white on the inside, but are carrot-like but thicker than carrots and sometimes spindle-shaped. That is why it is called akhavuç, iğkök, akkök and sheep carrot. Some Turkish writers have given the plant names such as black root or wild carrot, which is completely wrong, because neither the roots are black nor does it have anything to do with wild carrots.

Its leaves are wing-shaped, each wing leaf consists of 3-5 pairs of leaflets and the last single leaf. Its leaflets are three-lobed, toothed on the edges, dark green, shiny and have a short stalk. Its flowers are umbrella-shaped, and this umbrella consists of 15-25 umbels, each umbel consists of 10-20 flowers. Its petals are 0.5-1 mm in size and golden yellow in color. Its seeds are flat, 4-6 mm wide and 6-8 mm long, elliptical, greenish yellow, or brownish yellow in color and have a stalk on the back. 

Cultivation: The seeds are sown in pillows, glass cases or crates from mid-March to the end of April and when they sprout and become 10-20 cm, they are planted in gardens or fields. 

Harvest time: The umbrellas carrying the ripe seeds are collected in August and September, beaten, sorted and dried in the sun. The roots are removed after the leaves of the plant have faded, washed and dried. 

Mode of action:

How to use: 
a-) Treatment trials and research have not been conducted in university clinics. Therefore, according to today's information, it is a 2nd class medicinal plant. Other plants that are more effective than white carrot should be used. 
b-) Its seeds are used against stomach disorders, bloating, kidney and bladder stones and edema. However, cumin, fennel, anise seeds are good for stomach bloating, and goldenrod is good for kidney and bladder stones.

Side effects: Carrot, its seeds and roots can cause allergies in some people. Symptoms include itching and blisters on the skin. 

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