Anal itching
Anal itching, also called pruritus ani, is a common problem.
Persistent anal itching is a condition that is more common in children and the elderly. In children, this condition may be due to the presence of pinworms, a common parasite. In the elderly, the cause is the drying of aging skin.
When your doctor looks for the cause of your anal itching, he or she will also look for signs of a skin condition such as psoriasis, skin cancer, or a fungal infection. You may also be evaluated for conditions that cause itching and irritation, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or anal fistulas; these are rare causes of anal itching. Often, no definitive cause of itching can be found.
Some people try to thoroughly clean the anal area with a harsh washcloth and soap. This can cause the area to become itchy, burning and irritated.
Drug Reactions
Some people use medications to relieve itching on their own, which can cause irritation and increase itching and burning.
Some doctors believe that stress may cause itching, although this has not been proven.
Relaxation of Anal Muscles
When the muscles that normally keep the anal canal closed relax, stool can leak out and irritate the skin in this area.
Bad Maintenance
If proper cleaning is not done after defecation, fecal residues in the anus area can cause irritation and itching.
In the past, people with chronic anal itching would undergo radiation therapy, alcohol injections, and even surgery to remove skin and nerves from the anus. These practices are no longer used.
If you have such a problem, try the following.
1-Stop scratching. Constant scratching causes irritation. The more you scratch, the more itching you will get. Try applying cold to the area.
2-Keep the area clean. Clean the area gently, without irritating it, day and night, and after each bowel movement.
3-To prevent skin irritation caused by feces leakage, place a cloth on this area and change it as needed.