Basil, in which diseases is it used; It has an antispastic effect. It kills pain, is anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and a mild stimulant. It is used in stomach and intestinal pains, fatigue and nervous breakdown (depression).
In folk medicine, it is recommended for use in shortness of breath, whooping cough, intestinal gas, kidney and bladder inflammations, dysentery, etc. Externally, it is used for sore gums (for rinsing the mouth), and its fresh juice is used for purulent otitis media.
1. Facilitates digestion. Soothes the stomach.
2. It is an expectorant, gas and diuretic.
3. It is a stimulant and antispasmodic.
4. It relieves headaches.
In order to provide these effects, an infusion is prepared with fresh basil leaves, as they generally lose their medicinal qualities and smell when dried. Take 25-30 grams of fresh leaves and pour four cups of boiling water over them. The infusion, which is prepared by brewing for 10-15 minutes, can be taken two or three cups a day.
1. Basil also relieves cough.
2. It has a nerve strengthening effect. To achieve these effects, an infusion prepared by steeping the seeds in boiling water for 15-20 minutes can be taken twice a day.
3. The plant also has a tonic effect that strengthens the body.”