Bitter Chip
Bitter Chip
Bitter Chip plant is also called bitter tree or bitter wood. The bitter chip plant, whose Latin name is Quassia Amara, contains Resin, Volatile Oil, Quassin substances.
The only side effect of the bitter chipotle plant is that it can cause dizziness and nausea when used excessively. It should be consumed in normal amounts. In case of side effects, if you drink mint tea sweetened with honey, the side effects will pass.
Let's come to the benefits of bitter chipotle... If bitter chipotle is boiled and honey is added and 1 cup is drunk regularly every day, it has an appetite-increasing effect. Again, if it is boiled and honey is added and drunk, it has a strengthening effect on the body.
If it is boiled, sweetened with honey and 1 tea glass is drunk after meals, it has a digestive effect.
Bitter chips are insect and fly repellent. If bitter tree sap is applied to the body, it protects from insects and flies. Especially in the summer, the most natural way to protect yourself from mosquitoes is bitter chips.
If bitter chips are boiled, sweetened with honey and one teacup is drunk every day, it will eliminate intestinal parasites in a short time.
Again, regular consumption of 1 tea glass of the combination of honey and bitter chili powder strengthens the metabolism.
The bitter tree is a tree that grows in the Antilles Islands and blooms beautiful flowers at a height of 15 m. The feature of the tree is that no insects can approach it. If you put bitter chips on the table, it will be a natural insecticide and mosquito repellent.
Appetite Stimulant: Boil bitter chips, sweeten with honey and drink one cup each. Body Strengthener: Boil bitter chips, sweeten with honey and continue drinking.
Digestive Aid: Bitter chips are boiled and sweetened with honey and a glass of tea is drunk after meals. Insect Repellent: Bitter chips are a fly and insect repellent. Bitter tree sap is applied to the body.
Intestinal Parasites: Boil bitter chips and drink one teacup on an empty stomach in the morning for a week, do not eat for 2 hours.
Metabolism Booster: Bitter chips are boiled and sweetened with honey and a glass of tea is drunk. Bitter Chips can cause dizziness and nausea when used excessively.
To compensate: drink mint tea sweetened with honey. Bitter tree, also called bitter wood. It is a beautiful flowering tree that grows in the Antilles Islands and is about 15 meters high. It is very effective against pests. It grows in Central and Southern Africa.