General Information

Broccoli, which is described as “a miracle among vegetables” in some sources but unfortunately consumed very little in Turkey, is from the Brassicaceae family. The annual herbaceous plant, whose homeland is unknown, is widely cultivated in southern Europe and the USA. Its production in our country is currently very low. The plant, which resembles cauliflower, is also called Italian cauliflower or cauliflower giant in some places.
Broccoli, which can grow up to 30-50 cm in length, has a fleshy stem that is 5-10 cm thick. The oval-shaped, green or gray leaves that are connected to the stem with a long stalk are covered with wax. The diameter of the broccoli head is 5-25 cm and its weight is 100-400 gr. If this head is cut, shoots develop rapidly from the leaf axils and fleshy shoots with flower buds appear. These flower buds and flower stalks are an edible vegetable.
There are two different forms of broccoli. One resembles white cauliflower and is called head broccoli or cauliflower broccoli. The other, with green flower clusters, grows from the leaf axils of the stem like Brussels sprouts. This form is also called shoot broccoli.
Broccoli varieties are divided into three types according to their colors: white-headed, purple-headed and green-headed. Broccoli, which is consumed raw or cooked, should not be thrown away and should be used since most of the vitamins it contains will pass into the boiling water when boiled. Broccoli, which is included in diets because it is a low-calorie vegetable, is very suitable for freezing and later consumption.
The nutritional values of 100 gr. raw (uncooked) broccoli are as follows: 34 calories; 2.5 gr. protein; 2.9 gr. carbohydrates; 0.2 gr. fat; 0 cholesterol; high levels of fiber; 76 mg. phosphorus; 100 mg. calcium; 0.8 mg. iron; 10 mg. sodium; 336 mg. potassium; 24 mg. magnesium; 0.6 mg. zinc; 0.10 mg. vitamin B1; 0.20 mg. vitamin B2; 87 mg. vitamin C; 1.3 mg. vitamin E and beta-carotene, a significant source of vitamin A…
As can be seen from the values above, broccoli is one of the most nutritionally beneficial vegetables. In addition;
Studies have shown that eating broccoli, in particular, significantly reduces the risk of lung, colon (large intestine) and prostate cancer.
o Broccoli contains high amounts of beta carotene, a source of vitamin A, and vitamins C and E: It also minimizes the risks of developing heart diseases, having a heart attack and cataracts.
o It prevents anemia because it contains high levels of iron and folic acid. It also minimizes the risk of women giving birth to a child with spina bifida (i.e. one side of the spine is open).
In order to benefit from all these important medical effects, it is recommended that broccoli be included in our diet and eaten first.
Caution: reduces the body's absorption of iodine. People who eat more than 2-3 times a week should not neglect to take iodized foods or iodized salt. This is especially important in regions where drinking water contains little iodine.