Chaste Tree Root
Fuchsia Root
The root of the chaste tree is also known as Ferula Comminus. It is a herbaceous plant with yellow flowers that can grow up to 2 meters tall. It stands out as a very useful and healthy plant thanks to the tannin, resin, starch, alkaloid, saponin and essential oil it contains.
The chaste plant can be frequently seen in Eastern Anatolia, Central Anatolia, Southern and Southeastern Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean regions and can grow easily there. In the province, it grows mostly in Antalya and Mersin Taurus Mountains. The chaste plant is also generally known as a sexual power enhancer.
It is a plant with fibrous roots that grows in high altitude mountains.
There are two types, male and female. This plant has been studied many times by American and German scientists in the regions where it grows, and it has been observed that goats fed with this plant give birth to twins and even triplets, and in studies conducted in this direction, it has been seen that the active ingredients in the plant roots increase sexual power.