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Sea Shredded Wheat

Sea Shredded Wheat

Sea Shredded Seaweed, A necessary warning: Sea Shredded Seaweed is a type of seaweed and as can be seen from the photo, it is imported, and in recent years it has become almost non-existent in our country..!

The most used and popular plants in the winter months have usually been advertised somewhere or heard about by someone recommending them as beneficial…

The plant has a strong odor and a bitter taste.

There are many benefits:

stomach and ulcer disease

indigestion -gas

bronchitis-cough-asthma-shortness of breath

It is expectorant.

stops diarrhea


Children do not like to drink it because of its bitter taste, so it must be sweetened; giving a cup in the morning and evening is enough.

Adults can drink three cups a day…

It can be boiled with linden water or milk and sweetened with honey.

If you want, you can boil it with fruits and spices like apple+orange+cinnamon.


First, soak 5-6 grams of shredded wheat in water so that its salt and bitterness will be removed a little.

Then you can add two glasses of water or milk or linden and boil it. When it boils, it will both thicken and become almost close to a glass of water.


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