harmala seed oil


( Ribes nigrum )

Most of them are dwarf shrubs that shed their leaves in winter, while some always maintain their greenery. Their roots are in the form of fringes and do not go very deep. Their branches are weak. They produce new shoots from the bottom every year. Their fruits are in small clusters. The berries on the clusters are round and very brightly colored. Since the shell is translucent, the seed inside the berry can be noticed. The fruits are tart and sweet. Currants always produce on young shoots (this should be taken into consideration during pruning). Their leaves are hand-shaped. Currants grow best in moderate climates. They do not like very humid or very dry soils. Since they wake up early in spring, planting in autumn gives good results. In garden agriculture, blackcurrants should be planted at a distance and spacing of 1.20×1.40 m. Blackcurrants that are not pruned do not produce good crops. Therefore, old branches are pruned. It is necessary to leave the young shoots in place and make a good thinning. The bastards that grow from the roots should be cut and thrown away, and one or two of the ones in the middle should be left. These shoots that are left rejuvenate the sapling. It increases appetite and facilitates digestion. It is diuretic. It gives comfort to the body. It helps to eliminate stones in the kidneys. It removes water accumulated in the abdomen. It reduces liver swelling. Its syrup is very nutritious.

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