Garlic, which is used to add a unique flavor and taste to some of our foods with its strong and sharp smell and bitter taste, is from the plant of the lily family. Garlic, whose homeland is the Asian continent, is grown and consumed abundantly in our country.
Garlic, a close relative of the onion and growing up to 1 m tall, is a biennial herbaceous plant. In its first year, it forms a 'head' consisting of many 'cloves' in the soil and leaves above the soil; in its second year, it forms a flower stalk and flowers at the end of it, as in onions. The difference between garlic and onions is that the flowers do not produce seeds. However, in some cases, the flowers produce small heads called corms. Although these heads are useful as seeds, they are not used in practice.
The flat sheath-shaped leaves of the garlic plant grow from the bulb of the plant called the head, which develops underground. The head is made up of bulbs called cloves, which vary in number from 5 to 30 and develop side by side, stacked on top of each other. These cloves are used as seeds in garlic cultivation, and are consumed in Turkish cuisine by adding flavor to many dishes, appetizers, pickles, etc.
100 gr. (clove) garlic 90 calories: 5.3 gr. protein; 0 cholesterol; 0.2 gr. fat; 1.1 gr. fiber; 13.3 mg. phosphorus; 38 mg. calcium; 1.4 mg. iron: 0.2 mg. vitamin B1; 0.8 mg. vitamin B2: 0.3 mg. vitamin B3 and 8 mg. vitamin C. However, since garlic is consumed in small amounts, it only meets a very small portion of the body's energy, vitamin and mineral needs. Two large cloves of garlic, weighing an average of 9 gr., provide the body with only 9 calories.
As mentioned above, although the nutritional value of garlic consumed is negligible, it has many beneficial effects on our health. Namely;
Garlic stimulates the body's immune system, that is, it fights against infections in the body by having effects similar to antibiotics: In this context, infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi such as colds, flu, herpes; stomach, intestinal and fungal infections, styes can be listed.
Kandaki kolesterol düzeyini düşürür: Yapılan araştırmalar, günde iki diş sarımsak yiyen kişilerin kolesterol düzeyinde, kısa dönemde %10’luk düşüşlerin gerçekleştiğini ortaya koymuştur.
Garlic thins the blood and accelerates blood circulation: In this way, garlic prevents vascular occlusions that can lead to heart attack or stroke.
Lowers high blood pressure: Studies show that even moderate garlic intake provides this effect.
Garlic lowers blood sugar levels: Scientific research has shown that eating garlic is good for some diabetics.
It reduces the body's risk of developing cancer. Studies have shown that people who consume garlic have a reduced risk of developing stomach cancer.
Garlic prevents chronic bronchitis and reduces its effects.
It is expectorant, diuretic, bile and carminative.
It opens the appetite and facilitates digestion.
It is claimed in Eastern and Western cultures that garlic has aphrodisiac (sexual potency enhancing) effects.
In order to benefit from these beneficial effects on our health, garlic should be included in our diet and two cloves of garlic should be eaten daily. Consuming more does not increase the benefits of garlic. In addition, cooking garlic at high temperatures reduces its beneficial effects on health. We would also like to remind you that garlic capsules are sold on the market for those who complain about its smell.