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Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil is one of the best known antibiotics. Garlic, which can be grown in every region of our country, is a source of income especially in the Kastamonu region. Garlic, which adds flavor to meals and delicatessen products, contains 28.2 grams of carbohydrates, 63.8 water, 5.3 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 1.1 grams of cellulose in 100 grams. There are 140 calories in 100 grams of garlic. The vitamins found in garlic are A, BJ, 82 niacin and C. It gets its sharp smell from Aliyi - sulphite. The feature of these oils is that they burn fat.

Garlic is from the lily family and is a plant that completes its formation in two years. In the first year of garlic formation, it has a head consisting of three or four cloves. In the second year, garlic completes its formation by flowering and producing seeds. Its first planting is from its cloves. It has a growth similar to leeks. The green branches that grow above the soil can be consumed while they are fresh.

It contains carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose), vitamins (A, B and C), allicin and sulfur oil, which gives garlic its special smell.

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