General Information

Groom Herb

Oregano, Oregano, Marjoram, Marjoram



Where it is found: It grows among bushes, in forested areas where trees have been cut down, and in rocky mountain areas. Several species are found.

Structure: Stem is up to 60 cm high, sparsely hairy, four-sided, branches in the upper part, erect, perennial herbaceous plant. Leaves are reciprocal, short-stalked, equilateral egg-shaped, slightly hairy and have transparent glandular points. Flowers are tubular, purple pink or light purple, but purple colored ones are most common. Flower clusters covered in the shape of tiles are found together in the axils of flowering leaves in the form of a spike. Calyx is slightly 5-part, corolla is vaguely two-lipped and has 4 stamens. Fruit consists of 4 dark brown capsules. It is a nectariferous plant.

Parts Used: All parts except the lower woody parts are used. It is collected at the time of flowering (June-July). It is dried in the shade or in ovens heated to 35 degrees. The leaves of the dry plant are green, the flower is red-violet, has a pleasant smell and a slightly bitter taste. The moisture content is % 12. It is packaged in bales and stored in dry and airy buildings.

Chemical Composition: % contains 0.15 (consisting of thymol and carvacrolphenols, di and tricyclic sesquiterpenes, geranylacetate, cymol etc.) essential oil, tanning agents, vitamin C, fatty agents, provitamin A, bitter agents etc.

In Which Diseases Is It Used: The plant has an expectorant, pain sedative, nerve calming, antispastic effect. It is used in patients with stomach and intestinal pain, stomach weakness, nerve weakness, cough, sexual impotence, shortness of breath.

In folk medicine, it is used for intestinal gas, bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough, epilepsy, insomnia, heavy breathing (pale), jaundice, etc. Externally, it is applied as a poultice to wounds for skin acne and lichen, as a bath and disinfectant, and the same poultice (see HED REGIONS) is applied to stomach and intestinal pains. Ethereal oil is used against moths and ants. It is also used in perfumery and the alcohol industry.

Usage: Boil one tablespoon of the plant with 400 gr. of boiling water and wait for 1 hour. Take one glass of the plant before meals 4 times a day. For lichen and acne in young children, boil 100 gr. of the plant in 3 liters of water for 10 minutes, strain and mix into the child's bath water. It can also be used as ordinary tea. Marjoram (origanum majorana L.) cultivated in gardens is also used for the same diseases and as a spice in the kitchen. It is used in the salami and beer industry.

Vetiver, Oregano, Friend's Herb

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