General Information


There are various reasons that cause insomnia, which is called insomnia in medical terms. For example, fatigue, stomach bloating, indigestion, slimming or stimulant drugs, excessive heat, disturbing light, noise, nervousness, drinking too much tea, coffee or cigarettes, pain, heart or lung diseases, fever, itching, the effects of daily events, unsuitable bed, anxiety, etc. cause insomnia.


It is necessary to find the cause of insomnia.

In simple insomnia, it is very beneficial not to smoke, drink tea, or drink coffee before going to bed, listen to music, ventilate the bedroom, drink a glass of hot milk, or take a hot bath. 

Insomnia generally occurs as a result of stress, anxiety, depression and the use of stimulants.



Get rid of all stimulants in your life (such as tea, coffee, tobacco, cola and stimulant drugs).

Make it a habit to do aerobic exercises. Dedicate a certain part of your day to these exercises. Exercising for a certain period of time can usually be enough to help you sleep comfortably at night.

Taking a warm bath before bed (not too hot, of course) will help you sleep by relaxing your muscles.

If you have muscle pain and muscle spasms and can't sleep because of it, you can drink tea from the hops plant (Humulus lupulus). This plant, used in beer making, has been used for thousands of years as a sedative and relaxing.

Linden tea also helps you sleep comfortably with its relaxing effect.

Do not drink tea or coffee for 6 hours before going to bed.

Try to wake up 1 hour earlier than your normal time every morning.

Take calcium and magnesium, which help with nerve-muscle relaxation. You can take 1000 mg of each just before bed. Gluconate and citrate forms are more easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Eat something starchy, such as a plain baked potato or a slice of bread, 30 minutes before bed. These can help release calming substances from the brain.

Do breathing exercises when you lie down to sleep.

You can try teas (especially the root) of the valerian plant (Valeriana officinalis). The valepotriates obtained from this plant have a sedative effect.

. recipe 

Garlic, olive leaf, ox eye, basil, shepherd's purse, rosemary, menthol mint, oak tree leaf, rose leaf, sage, thyme, hawthorn flower, anise, mistletoe and mayonnaise. All herbs or separately or some of them are mixed and drunk with 1-2 glasses of lemon on a full or empty stomach.

2. recipe 

A pea-sized amount of lemon salt and starch are sucked separately and swallowed on a full or empty stomach.

3. recipe 

50 gr. hawthorn flower

50 gr. olive leaves

50 gr. mistletoe

50 gr. rosemary

50 gr. okra flower (hibiscus)

50 gr. lemon balm leaves are mixed and boiled in a pinch on an empty stomach and 1 glass of the tea is drunk plain, and 2 glasses of the tea is drunk with lemon on a full stomach.

4. recipe 

Pierce a clove of garlic with a needle and swallow it three times a day on an empty stomach.

5. recipe 

Meals are eaten without salt. Tea and coffee should not be drunk in the evenings.

6. recipe 

50 gr. coriander

50 gr. harmala seeds

50 gr. anise

50 gr. of yeast is pounded and turned into powder. Eat 1 teaspoon on an empty or full stomach.

7. recipe 



Orange peel

Boil the same amount of parsley and drink 1-2 glasses on an empty or full stomach.

8. recipe 

Lemon, orange, grapefruit, carrot, celery, parsley, onion, garlic, cherry, strawberry, 

Leeks, zucchinis and cucumbers are eaten in large quantities.

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