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Since it is rich in antioxidants, it also reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack and cataracts. It prevents anemia because it is high in iron minerals.

Cauliflower, which enriches our autumn, winter and spring tables with its delicious dishes and salads, is from the Brassicaceae family. The biennial herbaceous cauliflower, which can grow up to 20-40 cm in length, is native to the eastern part of the Mediterranean basin. The cauliflower plant, which is also grown abundantly in our country, has dark green, white-veined, large leaves that are very similar to those of cabbage.

The edible part of cauliflower is the florets and flowers that form its head. The most acceptable cauliflowers are those with tight heads. Autumn cauliflower has a medium-sized head, tight and white-flowered; winter cauliflower has a large head, tight and white-flowered; and March cauliflower has a small head, tight and white-flowered. Cauliflowers with loose heads and yellowish flowers are not considered acceptable. However, recently, pink, purple and yellow-flowered cauliflower varieties have also been grown in Western countries. Cauliflower is consumed in soup, fried, plain and olive oil moussaka and salads.


The nutritional values of 100 g of cauliflower can be listed as follows: 27 calories; 2.7 g. protein; 5.2 g. carbohydrates; 0 cholesterol; 0.2 g. fat; l g. fiber: 56 mg. phosphorus; 21 mg. calcium; 0.7 mg. iron: 295 mg. potassium: 60 IU vitamin A; 0.09 mg. vitamin B1; 0.08 mg. vitamin B2; 0.6 mg. vitamin B3 and 55 mg. vitamin C.


In addition to containing plenty of important nutrients that are beneficial for the body, especially the potassium mineral;

Cauliflower, like all vegetables in the Cruciferous family, reduces the body's risk of developing cancer: It is especially effective against colon and stomach cancers.

Since it is rich in antioxidants, it also reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack and cataracts. It prevents anemia because it is high in iron minerals.

Since it is rich in potassium mineral, it reduces high blood pressure and keeps blood pressure at a certain level.

Caution: Eat 2-3 times a week to benefit from these effects. However, as with all cruciferous vegetables, it reduces the body's absorption of iodine, and especially in regions where drinking water is low in iodine, those who eat cauliflower frequently should be careful to consume iodized foods or iodized salt.

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