General Information
Flaxseed is a sample plant of the Linaceae family. Its homeland is the Mediterranean basin. There are about 100 species of flax, some of which grow in our country. Of these, the Flax plant (L. usitatissimum), obtained by cultivating wild flax (L. angustifolium), is the species most relevant to our subject. It is an annual agricultural plant that can grow to 30-100 cm.
The seeds of the flax plant contain 30-40 percent fixed oil containing linoeic, linolenic and oleic acids; sticky plant fluid, protein and a glycoside called promarin. This oil obtained from the seeds of the plant and used frequently in dyeing, linoleum production and sometimes in the food industry is called linseed or linseed oil. The pulp remaining after the seeds of the plant are crushed and the oil is extracted becomes a valuable animal feed. The fibers obtained from the stem of the flax are also used in weaving to make linen yarn, which is considered acceptable.
The medical effects of linen, whose beneficial properties for the body have been known and used since the time of the ancient Egyptians, and the methods of using them can be summarized as follows:
It is a laxative that relieves constipation. It is also frequently used for this purpose in veterinary medicine.
It has protective effects against infections and irritations in the digestive system, stomach and intestines.
It has beneficial effects against sudden pains of the liver and gall bladder.
It is soothing.
In folk medicine
Flax seeds are also useful in ripening boils and healing wounds and burns.
It has soothing and healing effects on carbuncle, shingles and psoriasis.
It acts as a skin softener and pain reliever.
It has beneficial effects on lung infections, especially bronchitis and cough that occur after a cold.