Herbal Folk Remedies Made at Home

Cherry Stalk

Cherry Stalk

The fruit of the cherry tree ripens between the end of April and July, depending on the region, and is red or yellow, close to black. The fruit, which is 1-3 cm in diameter and round, fleshy, juicy, low-fibrous, aromatic and delicious, is connected to the branches by a long, thin stalk.

Rich in phosphorus, vitamins B3 and C, and fruit sugar, cherry is a fruit that is enjoyed. It is also used in pastry, confectionery, and beverage production, as well as jam. The timber of the mature cherry tree is used in carpentry.

The bark, leaves, flowers and fruit stalks of the cherry tree have beneficial effects on the body. These medicinal effects and the methods of benefiting from them can be listed as follows:

The bark is astringent and antipyretic. For this reason, the bark of the tree's trunk or branches is peeled and boiled to make a decoction and drink.

Its leaves are laxative. An infusion prepared by steeping the leaves in boiling water is drunk. Its flowers soften the chest and relieve coughs. For this purpose, an infusion made by steeping the flowers of the tree in boiling water is drunk.

The most effective and important part of the cherry tree in terms of medicine is the fruit stalks. If the stalks of the cherry and even the sour cherry (Cerasus vulgaris) fruits are not thrown away when eaten, but dried in a shaded and airy place, a natural medicine with the following medicinal effects is obtained:

Cherry Stalk

1. Cherry or sour cherry fruit stems are diuretic.
2. It cleans the kidneys and urinary tract.
3. It regulates the body's water balance due to some minerals it contains.
4. It relieves constipation.
5. It is a tonic that strengthens the body.

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