General Information

Lung cancer

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world caused by smoking addiction.


What is the frequency of occurrence?

Lung cancer, the most common cancer in the world and the number one cause of cancer-related deaths, is seen 4 times more in men than in women.


What are the symptoms and course?

Lung cancers are divided into two types: small cell and non-small cell. Small cell lung cancers are fast-growing and spreading cancers. They are also sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Non-small cell lung cancers are seen in several types;

They can be squamous cell, adenocarcinoma, large cell or mixed. Small cell lung cancers develop relatively slowly and their early treatment is surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also used in their treatment.


Lung cancer symptoms:

1. Cough (dry or phlegmy)

2. Expectoration (especially bloody sputum)

3. Shortness of breath

4. Chest, shoulder or back pain

5. Volume down

6. Weakness

7. Clubbing of fingers


Who is at risk: The most important cause of lung cancer is smoking, which plays an 80 percent role in the development of the disease. The risk of cancer increases as the amount and duration of smoking increases. Genetic predisposition is also a very important factor in the development of lung cancer.


Lung cancer diagnosis methods:

1. Inspection

2. Chest X-ray

3. Chest Computed Tomography

4. Sputum cytology (examination of cells in sputum)

5. Bronchoscopy (Visual examination of the respiratory tract and lungs with a light source)

6. Biopsy and Pathological examination


What is the treatment?

After the lung diagnosis is made, the treatment of the disease is planned according to whether it is limited to the lung, has spread to neighboring lymph nodes and organs, or has spread to distant organs (metastasis). Surgical methods, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used in treatment, and the treatment decision is planned in an environment where doctors from many different branches make decisions together. Differences in treatment may occur depending on whether the pathology of the disease is small cell or non-small cell.

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