General Information

Mountain Tulip






Where it is found: It grows in mountain areas among shady shrubs and broad-leaved forest trees.

Structure: It is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick and dark brown rhizome. The leaves are long-stalked, three-part, leathery, and arise directly from the rhizome. The surface is dark green, the underside is light green or slightly violet, long-hairy and fibrous. The flowers are sky blue or blue, purple or rarely pink or white, and are found one at a time on long, high hairy stems, with 6-7-part crown-like marginal flowers and numerous stamens.

Kullanılan Kısımlar: Toprak üstü kısımlar. Çiçek açma zamanında (Mayıs-Haziran aylarında) toplanır. Gölgede veya 40 dereceye kadar ısılı fırınlarda kurutulur. Kuru yaprakların üst yüzü yeşil, kokusuz, acı tattadır. Kabul edilen rutubet miktarı %12 dir. Balya halinde paketlenir, gölgede kurutulur, kuru ve havadar binalarda muhafaza edilir.

Chemical Composition: Contains anemonal, hepatrolobin glycoside, saponins, tannins; resin etc.

In Which Diseases Is It Used: It is a diuretic, expectorant and stimulates liver function. It is recommended for use in gallbladder stones, bile duct obstruction, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharynx inflammation diseases.

In folk medicine, it is used for rheumatism, malaria, nigricans, fear, gonorrhea, spleen inflammation, etc. It is used externally as a bath for skin diseases.

Usage: 1 coffee spoon of the plant is boiled with 0.5 lt of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Take a coffee cup 3 times a day before meals. The plant is poisonous in larger doses. Instead of mountain tulip, other plants close to the same genus are used in our folk medicine. Anemone pulsalilla L. (Pulsatilla hallen (All.) Wild boils, coughing up blood, hemorrhoids, against malaria, whooping cough, bronchitis, neuralgia, diseases of sexual organs, etc.; externally (1/10 ratio of kjeskin raki) tincture is used to rub rheumatism nikris disease. Pulsattilla protensiz (L.) Mill. Vena blood vessel inflammation, hand and foot milking, increase in milk in nursing mothers, stomach pains, nervous diseases, white discharge, etc. externally and internally for drinking, middle ear inflammation, purulent ear boil diseases.

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