Cough Herb
Cough Herb
Cough Thrush, (Other names: Camel's base, Farfaraotu, Kabalak, Kavalak tansy) is from the Compositae family. It is a perennial, durable herbaceous plant that is widespread throughout Europe and grows in loose soils and moist hill ridges in our country.
The small flowers of coltsfoot, which can grow to 10-30 cm in length, appear before the leaves in early spring and bloom singly on a long stem in yellow. The edges of the green leaves are toothed and the undersides are gray, covered with long and dense white hairs. The plant reproduces by the small seeds it sheds, and can spread well and cover the soil where it is located.
Chemical Composition: Fadiol, phytosterin, ardinidiol, teraxanthin, stigmasterin, yellow dyeing, tanning substances were found in the flower base (kömeç). The leaves contain bitter glycosides, tusilagin and sitosterin, gall, apple and wine acids, saponins, provitamin A, vitamin C, inulin, dextrin, albuminous substances, traces of essential oil, helme etc.
Coltsfoot is used in folk medicine for heartburn and inflammation of the stomach and intestines, acne, rheumatism, irregular and painful menstrual periods. Externally, it is used as a poultice for wounds caused by shoe bites, burns and boils. It is used as a compress for inflammation of the veins (prolapse) in the feet, red nomads, etc., and as a cigarette against shortness of breath.
Use in folk medicine:
It is a cough suppressant and a chest softener for respiratory tract disorders.
It is an expectorant.
Its leaves and flowers contain sticky plant fluid and are effective against chronic and acute bronchitis. It opens the bronchi. It protects the sensitive mucous membrane in the respiratory tract from other diseases.
It is soothing for whooping cough and asthma.
It is effective against cold and flu. “