General Information

Sea Grape




Where it is found: It is a rare plant that grows in stony, rocky places on the Black Sea coast.

Structure: It is a small shrub with many branches, upright and spines. It is about 50 cm high. Leaves; 2-3 in number, membranous, attached to the base in the form of a uterus. Flowers; yellow, small and unisexual. Male flowers in the form of a drupe are more numerous and covered with membranous leaves. Female flowers are also found in two at the ends of branches and are covered with 2-4 leaves, and become fleshy and red with the maturation of the seeds. It has two seeds.

Parts Used: The aboveground parts are collected during flowering (May-June). It is dried in the shade or in ovens at 45 degrees. The color of the dry plant is green, odorless and has a burning bitter taste. The acceptable humidity is % 12. It is packaged in bales. It is stored in dry and airy buildings.

Chemical Composition: The plant contains alkaloids such as d-pseudoephedrine, l-ephedrine, methylephedrine, tanning agents, pyrocatechin, phlobaphene, resin, etc.

In Which Diseases Is It Used: It stimulates the central respiratory system, increases blood pressure. It relaxes the bronchial muscles, dilates the pupil.

Our people use ephedra for shortness of breath, urticaria, bronchitis, whooping cough, cold, low blood pressure, some eye diseases, rheumatism, etc. Externally, it is used for skin acne (compress) and nasal secretion inflammation.

Usage: 1 tablespoon 400 gr. Boil for 5 minutes. Take a tea glass 3 times a day before meals.

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