Encyclopedic Information

What is Herpes?

It is a disease that appears as a slightly swollen, red and painful spot on the lip or the side of the nose. The cause is a type of virus found in saliva. It is mostly seen during feverish diseases and colds. In medical terms, it is called herpes simplex.


Red spots that appear on the lips or around the nose, after a while, become blistered and small blisters appear. After a few days, they turn yellow and crust over. 


Herpes is a viral disease that has two types. The first type is usually seen around the mouth or nose. Although it is not less common, it can also be seen on the genitals or other parts of the body (medical name is herpes simplex type 1). The second type, genital herpes, is usually seen on or around the genitals or in the anus area (medical name is herpes simplex type 2). In both types, the disease manifests itself with a sore and itching. A red spot appears, then inflamed blisters develop, turning into crusty sores and gradually disappearing. The disease lasts about 7-10 days. As long as the sores are visible, herpes can be transmitted from person to person by contact. | Herpes can be more xxx in the following cases: – if you are under stress. – If you are tired and weak or have another infection in your body. – After being in the sun. |Treatment:|Keep the wounds clean and dry. You can keep the wounds dry by gently dabbing a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. If you think you have a herpes on your genitals, consult a doctor for a complete treatment. The medications given will speed up the healing of the disease, so there is no definitive cure. |The following may be recommended for the treatment of herpes:

– If you feel bad (usually at first) use bed rest for 3-4 days. – Wash the diseased areas with slightly warm, salty water 2-3 times a day and dry them carefully each time (1 teaspoon of salt per half kilo of water). |Precautions:|Do not touch other people's cold sores. This period is from the first appearance of symptoms (itching, stinging) until the skin returns to normal. If you or your partner has genital herpes, do not have sexual intercourse until the skin returns to normal. The virus can be transmitted to your partner even if there are no symptoms. Being in the sun can cause the disease to start. If cold sores recur, 15+ broad-spectrum sun protection creams and lip balms can help you.


(Read 19 Times This Month)

Cold sores, caused by a virus called Herpes simplex, usually appear around the lips, mouth and nostrils. If touched, it can spread to the face, eyes and other parts of the body.


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The cold sore shows itself before it appears (0-24 hours in advance); tingling, itching, burning, and stinging are felt. This is followed by redness and swelling of the area and then the appearance of fluid-filled blisters. These blisters cause pain and suffering when talking, laughing, eating or drinking. Over time, they dry out, crack, leak and open up, turning into an ugly sore that spoils the appearance.


Cold sores are contagious between the initial symptoms and the time the open wound closes. They are transmitted through items such as towels, cups, forks, spoons, etc. used by a person with cold sores, and through kissing by a person with cold sores. People usually first encounter the cold sore virus (Herpes simplex) when they are young (0-5 years old). The cold sore virus enters the body as a result of a "loving" kiss from a family member with cold sores. It usually appears as small, unnoticeable rashes; the inside of the mouth, gums, and lips become infected. However, it can be seen as a serious infection in some sensitive individuals.


The cold sore should not be touched. If touched, hands should be washed very well.

Ladies should be especially careful when removing their make-up. Eyes should never be touched.

Especially babies, children and other people should not be kissed.

Towels, glasses, forks, spoons, etc. used by people with herpes should be separated and not allowed to be used by others.

The materials used while eating and drinking should not be shared, especially with children.

Cold sores and cold sore crusts should not be touched. (While the cold sore virus is transmitted to the fingers, other microbes are also transmitted to the cold sore.)


After the herpes virus (Herpes simplex) enters the body and makes the initial infection, it enters the node in that area and settles there. This unwanted guest multiplies when the body is weakened and a cold sore occurs.


Extreme fatigue, insomnia

Excessive sunlight and UV rays

Other infections

The virus can become active during situations such as menstrual period and pregnancy.


First of all, it is necessary to avoid situations that cause cold sores to recur. For example, if it develops due to stress; learning relaxation techniques that will reduce our stress. If fatigue and insomnia are the cause; resting and sleeping well. If the sun is the cause; it is necessary to use a protective cream for the lips or sunscreen with a high protection factor and to protect the face from the sun with a hat. Despite all the precautions taken, cold sores can still recur.

When the initial symptoms (tingling, itching, burning, stinging) are felt, an antiviral cold sore cream should be applied to that spot at short intervals. The cold sore will either never appear or if it does, it will be mild.


Certain substances and medications have been used in the past to reduce the discomfort of cold sores.

Alcohol and antiseptic drugs prevent the development of bacterial infection on the cold sore.

Painkillers: Reduces the pain caused by cold sores.

Applying ice can reduce pain

However, antiviral herpes creams used in effective treatment today, pass through the skin, affect the herpes virus (Herpes simplex) and prevent it from damaging the skin.


If cold sores occur frequently or for a long time (For example, if they continue for more than 10 days despite treatment)


If the cold sore occurs in a baby or a child under 6 years of age

If you have a cold sore on any part of your body other than your lips, mouth, or nose, especially your eyes, fingers, or genitals.

If you have other complaints such as headache, fever and muscle pain along with cold sores

If it is pale yellow and purulent


Peryavşan herb is boiled with a little water and its water is used as a compress on cold sores.



Herpes is moisturized with Aktarland miracle cream.

If you are taking medications that suppress your immune system, such as cortisone

If you are under medical care due to a weakened immune system (i.e. your ability to fight infectious diseases is reduced).

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