copabia oil

Urticaria (Hives)

Urticaria plaques are caused by allergy-related cells in the skin (mast cells) secreting substances called histamine, which cause fluid leakage from the capillaries. These fluids leaking from the vessels accumulate in the skin and cause the swellings mentioned.

Most people suspect an allergic reaction when they see these bumps. However, urticaria plaques can sometimes develop due to physical factors such as heat, cold, sunlight, exercise, stress, prolonged pressure on an area of skin, a sudden increase in skin temperature due to fever or a very hot bath, or a chemical substance (such as a cosmetic or soap) that irritates the skin. Urticaria plaques can also be a symptom of an allergic reaction that affects the whole body:

– Inhaled allergens: pollens, animal dander, molds

– insect bites (especially bee), some drug injections

– foods: foods such as hazelnuts and walnuts, fish and seafood, dairy products, food additives, medications such as penicillin or aspirin.

İnsanların yaklaşık %20 sinde yaşamları boynca en az bir kez ürtiker gelişmektedir. En sık ürtiker gözlenen yaşlar 20-30 yaşlar arasıdır. Nadiren, tüm vücudu etkileyen ve yaşamı tehdit eden boyuttaki anaflaktik şok adı verilen alerjik durumlarda da ürtiker ortaya çıkar. Bazı durumlarda, ürtiker plakları 6 hafta veya daha fazla süre kalabilir ve kronik (idiyopatik) ürtiker adı verilir. Sıklıkla, kronik ürtikerin nedeni bulunamaz, ve bir süre sonra kendiliğinden geçer.




Urticarial plaques appear as whitish or flesh-colored raised areas, sometimes surrounded by a red area (erythema). They are typically round or oval and often itch. They vary in size and can sometimes form very large areas. They can appear on any skin area, with acne most often occurring on the arms and legs. Most urticarial plaques disappear within a short time, but new areas may continue to appear over a 24-72 hour period if the patient is exposed to the same condition.

If urticaria develops as the first symptoms of an allergic reaction affecting the whole body, other symptoms that may develop are: swelling of the tongue, lips and face, difficulty breathing, confusion, a feeling of tightness / constriction in the chest. It is important to investigate these symptoms and apply to the health unit immediately when they develop, because they may be a sign of anaphylactic shock.


Diagnosis is made based on examination and, if necessary, allergic skin tests.

Urticaria plaques that are not very widespread usually disappear within 8-12 hours. However, they may recur unless the cause is eliminated.


If you have identified the conditions that cause urticaria, you can protect yourself from urticaria by staying away from them.


An antihistamine such as lotion or cream and additional antihistamine tablets or injections may be necessary. If a general allergy is not suspected, it may be sufficient to relieve itching. If necessary, further treatments may be applied.


1. recipe 

Leek and cabbage are boiled, a compress is made with the water and washed.

2. recipe 

Bathing is done with salt water.

3. recipe 

Walnut leaves, anduz herb, rose leaves, spinach, leek leaves, cabbage leaves, mallow and willow leaves can be used separately or mixed and used as a bath or dressing.

4. recipe 

Take a bath with the water of shahdere grass, wolf's claw, vetch grass, mayonnaise grass, separately or by mixing them. Boil it and drink a small amount of the water with 1-2 glasses of honey on an empty stomach.

5. recipe 

Boil the broom seed and drink the water.

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