Grape Seed Oil
Grape Seed Oil is produced using a cold press production technique without any refining or chemical processes.
İçerik : %100 Kara Üzüm Çekirdeği Yağı (Karışım yağ ve taşıyıcı yağ içermez.)
Grape seed is 20 times more powerful than vitamin E and 50 times more powerful than vitamin C. It is the richest plant in terms of proanthocyanidin (plant flavonoids), the most important skin protector. The most basic benefit of grape seed oil is its effect on capillary blood vessels.
Üzüm çekirdeği yağında %64 oranında bulunan Omega 6 ve Omega 3 yağ asitleri
It has a protective effect on the inner walls of the veins. Due to this protective effect, it helps regulate the heart rhythm by ensuring the healthy functioning of the capillary circulatory system.
It has been discovered that grape seed oil strengthens the capillaries in subjects with high blood pressure due to the effect of vitamin E, which is naturally found in its structure.
Üzüm çekirdeği yağı keşfedilmiş en yüksek miktarda resveratrol içeren maddedir. Yapılan klinik çalışmalarda resveratrol`un kan pıhtılaşmalarının ve LDL (kötü kolestrol) oluşmasını engelleyerek kalp krizi ve felç riskini azalttığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca kanser hücrelerinin oluşumun bloke edilmesine yardımcı olduğu ve habis hücreleri tekrar normale döndürmeye yardımcı olduğu da görülmüştür. Illinois Üniversitesinde yapılan bir deneyde üzerinde deri kanseri geliştirilmiş farelere resveratrol verildi. 18 hafta sonunda resveratrol verilmiş farelerdeki cilt tümörü %98 oranında daha az geliştiği saptanmıştır. İnsan lösemi hücreleri ile yapılan klinik deneylerde, resveratrol`un kanserli hücreleri baskıladığı ve habis hücreleri normale dönüştürebildiği bulunmuştur.
Since it renews the veins, it also has an anti-aging effect. Renewed veins delay aging. In studies, subjects who added a certain amount of grape seed oil to their diets had increased HDL (good cholesterol) levels in their blood. It was also observed that LDL (bad cholesterol) levels decreased.
Grape seed oil is the most powerful antioxidant known.
The antioxidant effect of grape seed is 50 times more than vitamin E and 20 times more than vitamin C. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize harmful substances that are formed as a result of chemical reactions in our bodies or that are taken in from outside through cigarettes, alcohol, polluted air, etc. According to experts, the body's antioxidant production slows down after the age of 25. It is known that grape seed oil, the most powerful antioxidant known, should be used to eliminate the deformations caused by this slowdown.
Grape seed oil prevents skin sagging by strengthening the connective tissues.
It ensures that the skin is elastic, soft and smooth. It is known that grape seed oil is used in the rehabilitation process after aesthetic surgery in the field of plastic surgery in France.
It prevents varicose veins by regulating the flow in capillary blood vessels. It helps protect heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. It is good for glare, which is especially seen at night, as it expands the capillary blood vessels that feed the eyes.
Grape seed oil is an excellent massage oil because it is a fluid oil and very rich in essential fatty acids. For this reason, it is preferred in Aromatherapy. It easily penetrates the skin and moisturizes. Oils do not have direct moisturizing properties. However, they indirectly moisturize the skin by forming a thin film layer on the skin and slowing down the loss of fluid by evaporation from the skin surface.
Benefits of Grape Seed Oil
It reduces the risk of Heart Disease.
Grape seed oil delays the effects of aging. It is the main ingredient of cosmetic creams that delay the effects of aging.
It helps correct circulatory disorders by strengthening weakened blood vessels.
Consuming it regularly protects you from cardiovascular diseases.
It lowers LDL Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels.
It reduces high blood pressure.
It reduces the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
It helps protect against heart disease and stroke.
It reduces your risk of all types of cancer.
It helps slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
It is frequently used in the treatment of skin diseases and skin cancer.
It is useful in reducing tonsil and throat infections, rheumatism and joint pain.
It helps stop the growth of tumors.
It protects against macular degeneration that causes vision loss.
Protects the body against the damage caused by smoking
When massaged, it has a healing effect on swelling and edema allergies.
It is used externally by massaging the skin with varicose veins.
Since it expands the capillary blood vessels, it allows more oxygen and nutrients to enter the brain.
It relieves chronic fatigue.
It is recommended for attention deficit.
When used as massage oil, it prevents the skin from losing its firmness. It minimizes wrinkles.
It helps scars heal faster.