General Information



(Vinca Minor L.) 

ATTENTION!: This plant is poisonous! Should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

There are 4 species of Vinca genus plants in the oleander family, whose homeland is unknown, growing in our country. Of these, Periwinkle (V. major) is the species that interests us the most. It is a perennial shrubby plant that can grow up to 30-40 cm. tall, remains green at all times, roots abundantly, has a trunk that grows by lying down and has an upright stem. Its heart-shaped and pointed dark green leaves are arranged opposite each other.

The flowers, which have 5 sepals stuck together and 5 light blue-purplish or sparsely white petals that only meet at the base and form a tube, slightly facing the ground, bloom from May through the summer. The fruit that carries the seeds is in the form of a capsule. The plant reproduces by rooting its branches that grow on the ground or by the seeds it sheds. However, since it is a very slow-growing plant, its development is accelerated by changing its location. It is loved to be grown in gardens because it is resistant to polluted air and spreads well in its location, covering the soil well.

The aboveground parts of the Periwinkle contain alkaloids that are part of the composition of drugs used in cancer treatment, as well as alkaloids such as vincarnine, isovincamine, vincamyrin, etc., as well as tannins, organic acids, carbohydrates and glycosides. The aboveground parts of the plant, which are bitter when fresh, gain a slightly sour taste when dried.

Kullanılan Kısımlar: Toprak üstü kısımlar kullanılır. Çiçek açma zamanında (Mayıs- Haziran aylarında) toplanır. Gölgede veya 50 derece kadar ısılı fırınlarda kurutulur. Kuru bitki; yeşil, kokusuz ve acı bir tattadır. Kabul edilen rutubet %12’ dir. Torba veya balya halinde paketlenir. Kuru ve havadar binalarda muhafaza edilir.

Chemical Composition: Contains tannin and bitter substances, bitter vinicin, vinkoside, glycoside, minorin alkaloid, reserpine, vinin, pubesin etc.

Diseases Used In: It has a blood thinning and blood pressure lowering effect. It is used against nose bleeding, uterine and lung bleeding, especially first degree high blood pressure.

In folk medicine, it is used for diarrhea, malaria, cough, and spitting up blood. Externally, it is used for mouth and throat inflammations (as a gargle), toothaches (as a mouthwash), watery eczema, and skin acne (as a compress).

1. It is a tissue and vasoconstrictor. It is used as a stiffener in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.

2. Prevents bleeding and fluid loss: It stops fluid and blood loss in diarrhea and colitis.

3. It prevents excessive bleeding during women's menstrual period.

4. It has beneficial effects against nose and gum bleeding, mouth ulcers and sore throats.

5. It is a tonic that strengthens the body.

6. It is a diuretic.

7. It stimulates the appetite.

8. It helps in the treatment of diabetes.

9. It has positive effects on cerebrovascular diseases. It is taken as an intelligence stimulant and brain activity enhancer. It lowers blood pressure.

To achieve all these effects, the aboveground parts of the Periwinkle are cut and collected in the spring before the plant blooms and dried in the shade. An infusion is prepared by pouring 1 cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of the dried plant mixture and letting it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink one cup of this infusion three times a day.

Periwinkle is also an effective wound healer. For this, the same infusion is applied externally to wounds..

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