Juniper Tar
Juniper Tar
Juniper Tar, Juniper tar obtained from a tree, juniper, and juniper tar oil are substances used in skin diseases. It is used externally by applying to the skin (mixture of 1 K. tar and 9 K. vaseline). In our country, this tar is replaced by Andız tar, Pine tar or Cedar tar.
Its oil is used for puberty, eczema, ringworm, baldness, scabies and psoriasis. Juniper oil is effective for puberty, eczema, ringworm, baldness, scabies and psoriasis.
Used in soap making, it eliminates hair loss and dandruff, prevents microorganisms from settling in these areas and causing harm, improves eczema and fungal skin, and makes it look lively and bright.
It is effective in scabies. The oily substance obtained from the branches of this plant is used. It is antiseptic, tonic and aphrodisiac.
It has a pleasant smell. When its shells are burned, it changes the air of the place where it is located.
It is used for hair diseases. If applied to eczema and infected wounds between the toes, it heals. It is also good for diseases such as scabies, baldness, psoriasis, and puberty.
PREPARATION METHOD: It is obtained by burning the branches and roots of the tar juniper tree dry in a jar. It is a by-product of the drug that is still frequently used in Anatolia.
INGREDIENTS: It contains volatile oil, a triterpene called resin kadinene and phenol derivatives (guaiacol and cresol derivatives).
BENEFITS: It is used for skin diseases such as eczema, ringworm, acne, baldness, scabies, psoriasis.
USAGE: Used externally.