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Pine Oil

Pine Oil

Pine Oil, The use of pine trees dates back to ancient times. Dried flowers, wood, resin, fruit or shells were burned and used as incense for treatment, cleaning or in some primitive tribes in their superstitious worship.
 After the flowers were crushed, they were used in the production of soap, cosmetics and for therapeutic purposes.
Essences and oils were obtained by distilling the leaves, scent, trunk, resin or bark of the tree with special methods.
  It is known that it was used in what is now Pakistan in 3000 BC. It has been determined that cedar, cinnamon and pine oils were distilled with steam in Egypt in 1400 AD and even ethereal oil was dissolved in inert oil, and they were used as suppositories, creams, plasters, hair removers and powders.
 It is known that Palestinians, Sumerians, Assyrians, Romans, ancient Indians and ancient Chinese used pine oil especially for their hair.
Thanks to him, there is now a solution to hair loss.
If you do not get enough of the minerals and substances that your hair roots and body need, your hair will fall out and your hair roots will become weaker. That is why, as time goes by, you will visibly feel your hair falling out and getting weaker.
It contains all the minerals and substances your hair needs.
With its rich content, it can regain lost hair and strengthen lifeless hair.
Hair that uses Pine Oil takes in all the minerals it needs.
It has been proven that Pine Oil prevents hair loss, revitalizes weakened hair follicles and provides resistance, fullness, shine and vitality to the hair when used continuously and regularly.
Pine oil definitely prevents hair from getting oily.
Pine oil in this category is not used internally.

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