Mouse Ear
Where it is found: It grows in dry grassy places, along roadsides, in crop fields, and in uncultivated lands between hoed plants.
Structure: It is an annual herbaceous plant with a three-sided, thin stem, 5-40 (60) cm high, branches obliquely from the base. The leaves are opposite, seated (attached), egg-shaped, pointed, with entire edges. The flowers are orange, red or blue, long-stalked, and emerge from the leaf axils. The calyx near the base is 5-part, the corolla is fused at the lower end with 5 leaves, and the stamens are a box with 5 fruit caps.
Kullanılan Kısımlar: Toprak üstü kısımlar. Çiçek açma zamanında (Mayıs, Ağustos aylarında) toplanır. Gölgede veya 40 dereceye kadar ısılı fırınlarda kurutulur. Kuru bitki kokusuz ve acı tattadır. Kabul edilen rutubet %13 tür. Balya halinde paketlenir.
Chemical Composition: It contains cyclamine glycoside, saponin-type substances (saponoids), peptonizing enzyme, privmerase enzyme, etc.
Diseases Used: It is used against diuretic, constipating, water retention, heart swelling, kidney stones, gout, jaundice, shortness of breath, and epilepsy.
Mouse ear is recommended in folk medicine for tuberculosis, gallbladder stones, liver cirrhosis, hives, etc. It is used externally for washing and putting on the eyes in cases of eye inflammation and eye prolapse.
Usage: 1 coffee spoon of the plant is boiled with 400 gr. of boiling water and waited for 2 hours. Take a tea glass before meals 4 times a day.