South Lighthouse
Where it is found: It grows among shady bushes and in sparse forests, in meadows and vineyards, generally in warmer places.
Structure: Rhizome branched, stem up to 60 cm. high, branched, straight, very hairy herbaceous plant. Upper leaves are opposite, large irregularly toothed or entire, egg-shaped, slightly hairy. Flowers are large white, greenish white individuals in the axils of the upper leaves. Sepals are fused, bell-shaped, turning into orange pods as the fruits ripen. Fruits are orange, round, juicy, one at each pod base. It blooms in April-July.
Kullanılan Kısımlar: Meyveler kullanılır. Meyveler olgunlaştıktan sonra eylül ayında toplanır. Gölgede veya 50 dereye ye kadar ısılı fırınlarda kurutulur. Kuru meyveler turuncu renkte, kokusuz ve ekşi tattadırlar. Rutubet payı %11 dir. Torbalarda paketlenir. Gölgede , kuru ve havadar binalarda muhafaza edilir.
Chemical Composition: Contains spicy physalin (which gives the red color), red dye cryptotoxin and zeaxanthin, an unstudied alkaloid, organic acids, vitamin C provitamin A, fatty substances, sugars, milk, apple, wine acids, etc.
In Which Diseases Is It Used: It has a diuretic (provided that it removes urate salts), epithelializing (strengthens the reproduction of covering tissues) and pain relieving effect on wounds. It is used against urinary stones, rheumatism, podagra (nicri-gout).
Southern lantern fruits are recommended by folk medicine for jaundice, istiska, difficult urination, bone deformity, purulent urination, hemorrhoids, etc. The liquid obtained from boiling the leaves is used to gargle against malaria and malaria; toothache; and a poultice made from the whole plant is used against pain. The fruits are burned and the ashes are mixed with fresh oil. It is applied to lichen and skin acne. In veterinary medicine, the fruits are given to pigs by mixing them into feed against chickweed disease.
Usage: Boil 2 tablespoons of the fruit in 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Take a tea glass 4 times a day before meals.