Information About Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf, other names are dalayan thorn, Gidişkenotu, Sırganotu) is a sample plant of the Nettle family. The common name of about 50 plant species of the Urtica genus, which are widespread in all temperate regions of the world, is Nettle. 5 of these species are frequently seen in our country in moist soil in the countryside, on the edges of roads and fields, in gardens and at the base of walls. They are annual or perennial plants that can grow up to 1 m. and are covered with stinging hairs.
In folk medicine, it is used for uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, menstrual disorders in the critical period (climactic period), chronic varicose veins, ulcers and avitaminosis, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, continuous and excessive menstruation, urticaria, diabetes, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, nervous fainting, jaundice, stomach and intestinal diseases, increased milk in mothers, liver and gall pains. Externally, fresh nettle is applied to rheumatic areas.
The nettle rhizome is boiled and drunk to strengthen the heart muscles, and the tincture obtained with vinegar is used for dandruff and hair growth. The seeds are mixed with yoghurt and taken against diabetes. The leaves are soaked in 1/10 olive oil and used to lubricate wounds.
1. It is tonic. It strengthens and supports the body.
2. It has a sedative effect on nosebleeds and uterine bleeding in women, thanks to its tissue and vasoconstrictor properties.
3. It is a diuretic.
4. It stimulates the appetite.
1. Nettle is effective against rheumatism and sciatica pain.
2. Strengthens keratin, the main ingredient of hair and nails, and prevents hair loss and nail breakage.
3. It is effective in eczema or skin disorders of nervous origin in children.
In these cases, nettle infusion or better yet, decoction is used. To prepare the decoction, 3-4 teaspoons of dried nettle mixture is taken. It is heated to boiling point and then the heating process is continued on low heat for another 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is applied warm to rheumatism and sciatica painful areas, while rubbing with the hand and absorbing into the area.
In case of hair loss, this decoction is applied by friction. In case of nail breakage, nails are dipped in the decoction. In case of eczema and other skin complaints, the same decoction is applied externally.”