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From Ms. Dr. Serap Kırmızı 

Friends. 30 years ago, doctors told my neighbor and colleague at Yeniköy Architects Site that he had 6 months to live. He got his family used to this result; he saw to all the needs of the house, provided for them; he prepared himself for death. He read somewhere that wheat germination was good for the disease. He laid soil in a room of the house; he grew wheat there; he ground the wheat grass in a mixer and drank it every day and continuously. He has been living for 30 years. He no longer needs grass. Wishing you healthy days… Yılmaz Ergüvenç It was stated that it is absolutely harmless, it may have limited benefits, and there is no harm in using it for support purposes. I present it with my respects. Dr. Vehbi Alpman. CANCER'S DEATH, MUST READ! SINCE I BELIEVE IN THE IMPORTANCE OF EVERY INFORMATION FOR THE WORST DISEASE OF OUR CENTURY, I AM SENDING THIS EMAIL THAT I RECEIVED TO EVERYONE. Plant wheat grass and eat it, make wheat juice and drink it. The most important food that prevents cancer is the wheat juice that our ancestors drank in Central Asia. The common claim of all doctors who reject classical treatment methods is that eating wheat grass and drinking wheat juice means that there is no death from cancer in the Hunzakut Principality in Pakistan. In addition, the Hunzakut people eat bitter almonds and apricot seeds and do not get cancer. The low number of cancer cases in regions where bitter almonds and apricots are consumed in Turkey is remarkable. Our conversation continues with Dr. İlhami Güneral, who defeated cancer on the shores of the heavenly lake at the foothills of Bozdağ, which has become the subject of a thousand and one legends, between Ödemiş and Salihli, and who wrote a book after winning this victory, saying that his struggle should be an example for everyone. The important thing is to strengthen the immune system. Strengthening the immune system is not a very difficult thing. Wheat is a great cancer drug. Wheat juice prevents cancer and this is an important herbal treatment tool. Wheatgrass contains about 100 vitamins, minerals and nutrients, in addition to abundant chlorophyll. Fresh wheatgrass contains 60 times more vitamin C than the same weight of oranges and 8 times more iron than the same weight of spinach. Another feature of wheat is that it contains substances that neutralize toxins in the blood. Wheatgrass, which is full of liquid oxygen, contains 'laetrile', nature's most powerful anti-cancer. It has been proven that grilled meats and smoked foods carry carcinogenic substances. (Japanese Scientist Nagivara) Japanese Scientist Nagivara has found enzymes and amino acids in fresh wheatgrass that neutralize this substance. - Can we produce wheatgrass at home? - It can also be produced at home, even in a small pot and can be eaten as is, our advice for those who cannot produce it at home is to produce wheat must… - Can everyone produce wheat must? - Yes, everyone can. - Let me describe it if you want. A glass of wheat for ashure is first washed cleanly and placed in a one-liter glass jar. 3 glasses of water, provided that it is not chlorinated, are added to it. The jar is covered with a cheesecloth and left in a cool place for 24 hours. This first water is not used, it is poured out. 3 glasses of water are added to the jar again. After waiting for 24 hours, the half-carbonated water that forms is transferred to a container to be drunk. Thus, wort is taken from a glass of wheat for ashure 5 times a day in the winter months and 3 times a day in the summer. The taste of wheat wort may be repulsive to some. In that case, if a vitamin C tablet is added to each glass of wort, a delicious drink will emerge. – Where else can the ‘laetrile’ that we mentioned earlier be found other than wheat grass? Because it is understood that ‘laetrile’ is one of the most effective substances in the treatment of cancer… Eat the apple core too! – Yes, the easiest place to access laetrile in Turkey is bitter almond and apricot kernel. There is also laetrile in apple seeds. If you eat the apple seeds, it is very good. The puppets of the pharmaceutical industry in America have managed to have this drug called 'laetrile' banned, but the 'laetrile' sold in Mexico is bought from this country and smuggled into the USA. Much better results are obtained when laetrile is given with vitamins and minerals. In his book 'Death of Cancer', Manner said that he had a 90 percent success rate with laetrile. - Bitter almond and apricot seeds also contain laetrile, right? - Yes, they do. There are no official statistics in places where bitter almonds and apricot seeds are consumed frequently in Turkey, but it is believed that cancer cases are low. There is a country where official statistics are made... No cancer cases have been encountered so far in Hunzakut, a small principality neighboring Pakistan. The main feature of Hanzakut is its apricots and apricot seeds... - You claim that chemotherapy and radiotherapy used in the world today damage the immune system, which one would you put first if we were to list alternative treatments? – I give priority to treatments that strengthen the immune system, then come biological treatments and herbal treatments. German doctor Issel’s whole body treatment on the immune system is successfully applied in 60/70 clinics in this country today. A successful method: Whole body treatment – What is whole body treatment? – Like us, Joseph Issel also considered cancer not as a local disease but as a systemic disease that concerns the whole body. According to him, cancer cells are constantly produced in the body, but a healthy immune system immediately destroys these cells. Another treatment method of Issel was fever shock treatment with Pyrifer, a specially treated colibacillus vaccine, once a month. With this method, a certain amount of blood is taken from the patient, mixed with ozone oxygen compound and injected back into the patient’s vein. Thousands of cancer patients have recovered with this method. This method is still used in the former Soviet Union and in current Russia. Dr. Serap KIRMIZI Uludag University Faculty of Science and Arts Department of Biology 16059 Gorukle/Bursa TURKEY

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