Herbal Folk Remedies Made at Home

What is Folk Medicine?

The history of medicine, which means medicine or doctor, has developed in parallel with the history of humanity.

Folk Medicine (Medical Folklore) is also very important from the point of view of medical history. The origin of the methods used in today's medical field is this folk medicine.

The history of medicine, which means medicine, has developed in parallel with the history of humanity. As humanity progressed, its medical knowledge increased accordingly. The results obtained through experience have come to this day with traditions and customs. In the 19th century, in the face of the development of science and technology, old medicine was turned away, all old methods were abandoned and old information was not given importance. The reason for this was not that the old methods were inconclusive, but because new branches of science such as Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology emerged. 

In this period, scientific medicine did not like the empirical methods, but later accepted them. For example; Phytotherapy, that is, treatment with plants, was abandoned a hundred years ago, but in our century, medicinal plants have become popular again.

According to folk doctors in various countries, every disease seen in any region has a cure in that region. The important thing is to find and use these natural healing opportunities. People have reached these days by benefiting from these natural treatment opportunities for years. People have reached these days by benefiting from natural treatment opportunities. The most important material that people use in natural treatment methods is Medicinal Plants.

In rural areas where there are no doctors or pharmacies, people generally use medicinal plants grown and cultivated in the area to prepare medicines for the treatment of various diseases, and this method is based on culture and tradition. For this reason, folk medicine still continues in old cities such as Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Bursa Erzurum, İstanbul, Kayseri, Sivas. On the other hand, in new settlements, such as Ankara, folk medicine is almost non-existent.
While there is a special bazaar in Istanbul where medicines used in public medicine are sold and more than 30 shops, there are only two shops in Ankara.

The active ingredients of some medicinal plants that people unconsciously use to treat diseases have been determined today. We can list these active ingredients as follows;
a) Alkaloids: They are basic compounds containing nitrogen. They are usually found in plants in bonds with organic acids. The first plant alkaloid was morphine.
b) Glycosides: Chemically, they are compounds consisting of an alcohol or phenol. Examples of therapeutically interesting glycosides are salicin in some species of salix, anthra glycosides in Rhevm palmatum and rhamnus frangula.
c) Essential Oils: Plants containing essential oils are identified by their odors, and the amount of essential oil varies depending on ecological conditions and harvest time. Generally, essential oils are terpenes close to isoprene.
d) Bitter Substances: They are partly in the glycoside and partly in the terpenes group. Like alkaloids, they have a bitter taste and do not contain nitrogen in their composition.
e) Tanning Agents: The name given to all plant substances that convert animal hide into leather with their protein precipitating effect.

Today, some groups turn their backs on the medicines used in the past by the local people, calling them “Old Wives’ Medicine”. Of course, not every old wives’ medicine is good. However, there are many that are truly beneficial. Therefore, instead of taking a negative stance against folk medicine by calling it “Old Wives’ Medicine”, it is more appropriate to examine them one by one meticulously and base them on scientific foundations.

Medical folklore studies on the diseases, effects and names of herbal drugs used among the public have attracted attention after the Republic period and are still continuing to increase. Before the Republic, in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire, two important works were produced on this subject. One of them is a small 72-page treatise known as “Ma-hazer” (pre-prepared) or Nusret Efendi Treatise, published by Hora Nusret Efendi in 1884. This work has been a treatment book used by the people of Anatolia for many years. Another work that has been very popular with the public is the book called “Kenzü's Sıhhatül Ebdâniyye” written by Tarsusî El Seyyid Osman Hayri Efendi.

In Turkey, in recent years, the “Herbal Medicine Raw Materials Meeting” has been held every two years since 1976 in order to promote the use of medicinal plants and the studies carried out in this field. We hope that with these studies, the natural treatment possibilities still used by the local people will be examined in depth, given scientific qualifications and put into the service of modern treatment.
In this study, we investigated the treatment methods applied by the public against animal poisoning. In other words, we tried to bring together the remedies that the public resorts to in case of any poisonous snake, scorpion or insect bite.


The intake of substances harmful to the body through the mouth or inhalation or through the skin as a result of poisonous animal bites is called “poisoning”. The most common animal poisonings occur as a result of snake, scorpion and spider bites. Apart from these, there are various insect poisonings. The poison mixes with the blood from the animal bite and spreads throughout the body. The main symptoms of poisoning are;

• Poisoning begins to make itself felt as numbness, weakness and fatigue.

• The body temperature of a person bitten by a poisonous animal begins to rise. The person's fever rises to 40-42°C.

• Additionally, the poisoned person may experience fainting, vomiting and diarrhea.
Poisoning cases increase with the warming of the weather. Snakes in particular start to wake up with the warming weather. In vineyards, gardens, stream banks, it is possible for one of these to bite us.


Poisoning cases are more common in rural areas. Since doctors and pharmacies are very hard to find in such places, various treatment methods have been developed with the available means. These treatment methods are methods that have been obtained through experience and have been seen to be beneficial. The most important treatment materials are plants and substances of plant origin.
– Methods Applied by the Public Against Snake and Scorpion Bites:
Snakes and scorpions are among the most dangerous poisonous animals. Their venom can sometimes be lethal. There are snake venoms that can knock an elephant down in a very short time. We can list the methods that people use in such cases and the materials they use for healing as follows;

• In snake and scorpion poisoning, the first treatment begins with putting the patient to sleep. Because when the patient sleeps, the poison penetrates all the depths of the body. Then, the upper part of the snake or scorpion sting is tied with a piece of cloth. The sting is cut with a cutting tool and the blood is sucked. In this way, the poison is released. However, the person sucking the blood should not have any wounds in their mouth.

• In case of poisoning, blood is taken from between the shoulders 3 times. Because the area between the shoulders is the closest blood collection point to the heart. In this way, the poisonous substance is removed with the blood. Even if not all of the poison is removed, a certain part of it is neutralized. This blood collection process is done as follows; The skin is lightly scratched with a cutting tool (such as a scalpel or razor) and a wide-mouthed glass bottle is placed on it, creating an absorbing force to remove the dirty blood from the body. This is also called “Pulling the Bottle”.

• If a person is stung by a scorpion, the scorpion that stung is cut in two and wrapped around the stinging area, because scorpion meat has antidote properties.

• In the event of a snakebite, the blood from the bitten part of the body is sucked out and the area is cauterized with a hot iron. The patient is then wrapped in freshly skinned sheep or goat skin.
• The place where the snake or scorpion has stung is cut with a heated knife and blood is drawn out. Mud made from raw soil is applied to the stung place and a piece of cloth soaked in vinegar is wrapped.

• Allium sativum L. (Garlic) is pounded and made into a paste and applied to the scorpion or snake bite like an ointment. This ointment draws out the poison and warms the body.

• When the juice of the peel of Citrus aurantium L. (Sour Orange) is drunk, it is good for snake and scorpion bites. It is also beneficial to apply the peel of the orange to the place where the snake or scorpion bites. The orange seed also has an antidote effect. Therefore, if the orange seed is crushed and powdered and placed on the place where the scorpion or snake bites, it will relieve the pain.

• If you make sherbet with butter and honey and drink it, it is beneficial against poisoning.

• Allium sativum L. (Garlic) juice is applied plain or mixed with salt to the area bitten by a scorpion or snake. The bitten area is then cauterized for treatment.

• Sea water, unlike normal water, is salty and clean. For example, due to this salinity, there is less odor on the coast. Applying sea water externally to the areas bitten by scorpions and snakes is very beneficial.

• Malva sylvestris L. (Mallow) leaves are pounded raw and made into a paste with some salt, then applied to the snake or scorpion bite like an ointment. It is more effective when used mixed with olive oil. In addition, Mallow seeds are powdered and drunk.

• The juice of the root of Cikrullus colocynthis L. (Ebu Cehil Watermelon) is used externally on snake or scorpion bites. This plant is found in sandy areas near the coast in the Mersin region.

• The fresh leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (bean) draw out the poison when placed on the scorpion or snake bite.

• In cases of poisoning, the root of the Cicharium intybus L. (Chicory) plant is distilled and its water is drunk.

• Acwa Date, grown in the Arabian Peninsula, is beneficial against scorpion poisoning.

• Drinking boiled water of Thymus vulgaris L. (Thyme) together with a laxative after scorpion and snake bites is beneficial. In addition, if people bitten by snakes or scorpions eat plenty of thyme paste mixed with honey, it can neutralize the poison of the snake or scorpion.

• After the Citrus limonum L. (lemon) seeds are crushed and turned into powder, they are placed on the scorpion's sting or 9.6 grams of its powder is mixed with cold water and drunk. Because the powder of lemon seeds has solvent and drying properties.

• The milk of the Lactuca sativa L. (Lettuce) plant is separated from the plant and applied to the area bitten by a scorpion or snake.

• The root, branches and bark of the Aguilaria agollocha (Apacı) plant are fragrant and grow in India and China. If you make a sherbet with the powder of this tree and drink it, it has an antidote effect against snake and scorpion bites.

• The water obtained by distilling the roots of Aristolochia L. (puerperium) is applied externally to the place bitten by a scorpion or snake.

• Cnicus benedictus L. var. Kotschyi Boiss (poison herb-blessed thorn) is also a plant used against snake and scorpion bites in the Demirci region of Manisa. In the region, the plant is collected and dried before June 21. It is used internally and externally in cases of poisoning due to snake or scorpion bites. For this, the following application is made: 3-4 branches are broken off from the flowering part of the plant. If the plant has been previously dried, it is turned into powder. If it is fresh, it is cut into small pieces. A sufficient amount of this plant is put into previously boiled water, mixed and filtered. 2-3 glasses of this water are drunk per day. The application is continued for a few days. In addition, the same liquid is applied externally to the area stung by the snake or scorpion. It has been observed that the effect of the poison is eliminated in this way, the fever and blood pressure that increase as a result of poisoning are reduced and the pain is reduced.

• In places where scorpions are abundant, the mixture described below is prepared in advance and is kept in almost every home. In case of any scorpion sting, this ready-made mixture is used in the treatment. The mixture is made as follows: 3-4 scorpions are put in a tea glass of olive oil and left in the sun with the lid closed for 20 days. This oil is then filtered and stored in a closed bottle. In case of any scorpion sting, this oil is applied to the scorpion sting 3-4 times a day.

• In case of scorpion sting, treatment is also done with matches. For this, the heads of eight or ten matches are crushed and mixed in a cup of hot water and left for 10 minutes. Cotton is soaked in this water and applied to the part stung by the scorpion and applied again at 2 hour intervals.

• Connabis sativa L. (Hemp) seeds are crushed in a mortar and applied as a poultice to the snakebite.

• Verbascum L. (Mullein) leaves and flowers are collected, crushed in a mortar and applied as a poultice to the snakebite.

• Corylus avellana L. (Hazelnut) has an antidote effect against poisoning. The person stung by a scorpion is immediately fed the hazelnut.

• The person bitten by a scorpion or snake is given 5 grams of the juice of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. (Orange) peel to drink.

• Applying Sesamum indicum L. (Sesame) oil to the area bitten by a scorpion or snake is beneficial against poisoning.

• Cooking bran with Raphanus sativus L. (radish) leaves and applying it as a poultice to the scorpion sting will soothe the pain.
• If Linum usitatissimum L. (Flax) seed is mixed with salt and applied to the scorpion sting, it draws the poison and separates it from the blood.

• Veronica L. (Virginia) oil is applied externally to the place where a scorpion or snake bites. As a result, it draws the venom of the scorpion or snake out.

• Milk is beneficial against all kinds of poisoning. In addition, if milk, butter and honey are made into syrup and given to a person who has been bitten by a snake or scorpion, it can neutralize the effects of the poison.

• The roots of the Echium L. (Viper grass) plant are fed to the person who has been poisoned by a snake.

• The roots of the Ferula orientalis L. (Hairless Keküre) plant are used as a medicine for animals against snakebites. The roots are pounded well and yoghurt is added to it. This mixture is used to replace the clotted blood under the skin where the snake bites. This reduces the effect of the poison and saves the animal from death.

• The finely chopped powdered part of the green-white straw of the Cephaloria procera Fisch. Et Loll. plant, which is obtained by mowing with a scythe, drying and crushing with a threshing machine called “Gem” and to which all aboveground organs are added, is used as a medicine against snake poisoning in animals.
– Methods Applied by the Public Against Poisonous Spider Bites:
There are large poisonous spiders in some regions. They sting the person and cause unbearable pain. The treatment methods that people apply in such cases are as follows;
In areas where these spiders are found, the following serum should be kept in every home; 3 live spiders and 1 cup of olive oil are put in a bottle and the lid is closed. After keeping it in a warm place for 3 weeks, it is filtered and this oil is kept in a closed bottle. This oil is applied to the place where the spider has bitten.

• Lactuca sortiva L. (Lettuce) milk is also good for spider bites.
The main methods used specifically for snake, scorpion and spider poisonings are as listed above. There are also methods generally used for insect bites. These are;

• Boiling and drinking the root of Apium graveoens L. (Celery) is beneficial for poisonous insect bites.

• Cumium cyminum L. (Cumin), when made into a syrup with honey or sugar and drunk with vinegar, is very effective against poisoning caused by insect bites.

• The sap of the above-ground parts of the Dracunculus vulgaris Schatt. (Snake's Pillow) plant is very beneficial when used externally for poisonous animal bites.

• If the fresh shoots of Pyrus rommunis L. (Wild Pear-Wild Pear tree) are pounded into flour and placed on the area stung by poisonous insects, it relieves pain and reduces swelling.

• If there is pain and swelling in the area stung by a poisonous insect, 2-3 freshly plucked Salvia officinalis L. (Sage) leaves are crushed and rubbed on the stung area and the leaves are tied on the stung area.

• The inserted part is wiped with raki or wine and onion juice is applied on it.

• In case of a bee sting, slaked lime should be applied to the sting area to prevent swelling. After 10 minutes, the area should be washed and held under running water.


As can be seen, plants are the primary remedies that people resort to for healing against diseases. While humans knew of no bacteria, no viruses, no other pathogens, they discovered and used medicinal plants against diseases. In a sense, all the meadows and pastures, steppes, mountains, and hills around us are like natural pharmacies. The important thing is to discover them.

Although there are many amateur herbal books available in the market today in our country, they are very inadequate in explaining our plants with their correct names and properties in a healthy way and are far from introducing plant species according to regions. As a result of studies carried out in a way that explains the diseases and effects of our medicinal plants used among the public, the local and scientific names of the plants and the properties of these plants, it will be possible to put our natural beneficial plants into the necessary areas of use.

The medicinal plants described in this study are 28 species belonging to 22 different families, the most useful and natural plant families among which are: Rutaceae, Apiaceae, Liliaceae, Lamiaceae and Scrophulariaceae.

In the development of new medicine, old medicines often come first. When medical history is examined, it is understood that old methods and treatment methods are of a value that should not be neglected. However, treatment with plants is a method that requires extreme care and knowledge. Because in addition to useful plants in our environment, there are also plants that contain harmful and even lethal levels of poisonous substances.

Nowadays, along with the inevitable necessity of treatment methods using synthetic drugs, we should not ignore the treatment methods with medicinal plants and natural sources.

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