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Red Ginseng

Red Ginseng

Red Ginseng is sold in its root form and can be ground if you wish.

Ginseng is a perennial plant species with a history of 5000 years, named "human herb" because its roots resemble the human body. Due to its strong healing properties, its botanical name is "Panax" in Greek, meaning "complete healing".

Do you feel tired and weak when you come home from school or work? Do you not have enough energy to do the job you love? Are you stressed during the day without knowing the reason? Then I suggest you read this article from beginning to end, the answer to the question of what is ginseng may be the solution to your problems. I tried it personally and saw its effect.

Although Ginseng has been used in the Far East for thousands of years, its widespread use in the world and in our country is at most 10 years old. Ginseng is a plant that has been used and known for many years in Siberia, Korea, China and North America. The Ginseng family consists of 11 members.

The word “Panax” in these names is derived from the Greek word panacea, meaning complete recovery. The word ginseng is derived from the Chinese word (rénshēn), meaning human herb. The reason for this is that the root of the plant resembles the human body, as you can see in the picture below. Due to this similarity, people in ancient times thought that the plant had a divine source and was good for the human body for this reason.


What are the benefits of Ginseng?

It is a plant with a history of about 5000 years in China and especially in old Indian scriptures the root of this plant is mentioned as sacred. In old Chinese inscriptions there are writings about how the plant can be used in the treatment of many diseases. Although the ginseng plant has leaves and fruit, only the root is used in treatment and it is a plant that takes a very long time to grow. Ginseng root must be underground for at least 6 years to reach adulthood. The root of a 7-8 year old plant has a diameter of 10 centimeters. It can be white or red. Korean ginseng is considered the most effective individual of this plant species.


Kırmızı ginseng en az 6 yıllık taze ve soyulmamış ginseng kökünün, 100 derece sıcak buharda en az 3 saat bırakılır. Daha sonra en çok %15 nem oranlı bir ortamda kurutularak üretilir. Bu aşamalardan geçen Ginseng kökü kırmızı rengi aldığından Kırmızı Kore Ginsengi olarak bilinir. Yapılan araştırmalara göre sıcak buhar ginsengin biyo aktivite özelliğini yüksek oranda arttırmaktadır. Hatta eğer 120 derecede bu proses gerçekleşirse antioksidan özelliği 8 kat ve kanı sulandırarak damarlarn rahatlama etkisini 32 kat arttırabilir.

(Important species: Korean ginseng, American ginseng) It is from the Araliaceae family. Ginseng plant does not grow in our country.

Ginseng species can grow between 30-45 cm. They have oval-shaped leaves with smooth edges, small yellow or pink flowers that bloom towards the end of summer. Later, these flowers turn into bright red compound fruits that carry the seeds. The plant has spindle-shaped, fleshy roots that vary in color from yellow to light brown. Ginseng species that like shaded areas under the forest and cool and humus soils are propagated by seed. The root, which is an important product, is harvested after 3-9 years.

Known for its health benefits by the Chinese for at least 2000 years, the ginseng plant contains glycosides called panaxosides, saponin and vitamins B and D.


The medicinal effects of ginseng type plants and the methods of using them can be summarized as follows:

It is an aphrodisiac: It is used against sexual insufficiency.

It is a tonic: It increases mental and physical strength.

It is a stimulant: It eliminates the problem of fatigue, weakness and lack of resistance to stress.

It increases the physical performance and vitality of the person. It takes him to the peak of physical fitness.

It strengthens the central nervous system.

It raises low blood pressure to normal levels.

"It stimulates the appetite and facilitates digestion."

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