General Information


The plant that produces the turnip, whose slightly bitter-sweet roots are eaten as a vegetable, is from the Brassicaceae family. Turnip, thought to be native to Northern Europe and Northern Asia, is a biennial herbaceous plant. The plant, which can grow up to 50-120 cm in length and is also grown in our country, forms roots and above-ground green parts in the first year; and flower stalks, flowers and seeds in the second year.


The part of the plant that is considered a vegetable is its swollen roots. The hard flesh of the root, which is flat, round or long cylindrical, is white or bluish. However, the part of the root close to the soil surface can be red, purple, white, yellow or green. The oval-shaped leaves of the plant are green, the leaf edges are smooth or serrated.


The flower stalks of turnips grow up to 50-120 cm. Their hermaphroditic flowers are bright yellow and sometimes white. Since their seeds are very similar to those of cabbage, care should be taken not to be deceived when purchasing. Turnips are produced for both humans and animals today. Those grown for human consumption have soft flesh, while those for animal feed have hard flesh. Turnips are added to some soups and sauces, and used as a garnish in meals. In some regions, their water is enjoyed and drunk.




Important nutritional values contained in 100 gr. fresh turnip are as follows: 23 calories; 0.8 gr. protein; 4.9 gr. carbohydrates; 0 cholesterol; 0.2 gr. fat; 0.9 gr. fiber: 24 mg. phosphorus; 35 mg. calcium; 0.4 mg. iron; 34 mg. sodium; 188 mg. potassium: 20 mg. magnesium; trace amounts of vitamin A; 0.04 mg. vitamin B1; 0.05 mg. vitamin B2; 0.3 mg. vitamin B3 and 22 mg. vitamin C.




Turnip was a vegetable that was consumed with great importance until potatoes became widespread. Today, turnip, which has been pushed into the background, should be given the importance it deserves due to the high nutritional values it contains. In addition to these nutritional values, turnip has;


Like all cruciferous vegetables, it is a food that minimizes the body's risk of developing cancer.


It reduces high blood pressure with its rich potassium content.


 Thanks to the rich amount of fiber it contains, it is good for those suffering from constipation.


In addition, turnip juice is known in folk medicine as a food that provides vigor to the body and is good for stomach and sciatica pain.


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