Ulcerative (Colitis)
– Bloody diarrhea, may also be purulent.
- Stomach ache,
– Urgently and painfully going to the toilet,
- Fire,
– Weight loss,
– Joint pain,
– Spots on the skin.
Bazen ülserleşmiş kolit belirti vermez. Bazen de kolon iltihaplanır ve kanlı ishale neden olur. Böyle hastalığın alevlendiği sıkıntılı devreler arasında sakin rahat devreler yaşanabilir. Aşağı yukarı bu hastalığı yakalananların %15 inde tüm kolonu kaplayabilen ve değişen iltihaplanmalarla hastalık çok ciddi seyredebilir. Belirtiler kuvvetli kanlı ishal, ateş ve karın ağrısıdır. Bu belirtiler acil bir tıbbi durum da doğurabilir. Çünkü kolonun (toksit megakolon) şişmesi veya genellikle iltihaplanmış kolonun delinmesi riski vardır. Ülserleşmiş kolitler, vücudumuzun diğer yerlerindeki çeşitli belirtilerle de ilgili olabilirler. Büyük mafsallarda olan ağrı veya iltihaplanma en çok da dizde ayak ve kol bileklerinde görülenler bu tip belirtiler arasında sayılabilir. Bazı durumlarda ankilozan spondilit ülserleşmiş kolitle ilgili olabilir. Bazen de akut göz ve deri iltihaplanmaları görülür ve kısmen de tıkanabilir.
In addition, people who have ulcerated colitis in their entire colon or in a nearly entire colon are at risk of developing colon cancer if the disease continues for 8-10 years. If the disease is less widespread (for example, if the colitis is only in the left side of the colon), the risk decreases. The risk of cancer increases as time goes on. However, the risk is not related to the degree of inflammation. Cancer can develop even if ulcerated colitis symptoms are minimal.
The drugs used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis are those that can be effective against inflammation. These are "sulfasalazine" and "corticosteroids."
Sulfasalazine is used for minor (not very important) aggravations of the disease and for the relief of pain. Corticosteroids are used for more severe cases of bloody diarrhea. If the inflammation is only in the rectum, one of the corticosteroids can eliminate the inflammation and relieve the symptoms. In recent years, some new preparations prepared with drugs such as aspirin have been shown to dry up the inflammation and are beneficial. In addition, researchers are investigating the benefits of compounds such as aspirin, which are administered orally and are not absorbed in the intestine. Their ability to eliminate inflammation may be beneficial directly in the inflamed area.
If diarrhea is severe, it may be necessary to go to the hospital. Here, the body's water needs can be provided intravenously and rested by not feeding orally. Immunosuppressive treatment can be done rarely with drugs such as azathioprine under the careful supervision of a doctor.
Some patients with very serious conditions-
They are fed orally because their colons cannot tolerate food. In those whose condition is not that serious, a liquid supplement may be given orally to replace the nutrients lost due to diarrhea.
About 20 to 25 percent of people with ulcerative colitis will need surgery at some point. These are people who do not respond to drug therapy or who have severe complications.
The current trend is to perform surgery early in the disease, when the inflammation of the colon is unresponsive to drug therapy, rather than waiting until the patient is weak. The most commonly performed surgery is ileo-anal anastomosis. Unlike previous techniques, this technique is non-disfiguring, preserves the normal passage of stool through the anus, and is generally well tolerated by most people who are selected for surgery. If you have had extensive ulcerative colitis for 8 to 10 years, your doctor may recommend elective removal of the entire colon to prevent cancer.
Alternatively, your doctor may recommend periodic examination of the colon with a colonoscopy to look for changes that suggest malignant cells in the colon and to perform biopsies on suspected areas.
gum mastic, watch sugar, turmeric is ground and used
2. recipe
Black seed oil is drunk.
3. recipe
Thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, rosemary, mint, willow leaves, marjoram, basil and lavender flowers are boiled separately or mixed and 1-2 glasses are drunk on an empty or full stomach.
4. recipe