General Information



Safran, %100 orijinal safran; Fiyat açıklaması: Gramı 7,50. Tl den net 10 gramlık ambajda 75 Tl.dir

Where it is found: The homeland of the saffron plant is the Mediterranean region. It is especially produced in Spain and Iran.

(In Turkey, it is grown in Izmir, Kastamonu (Safranbolu), Adana and Urfa (Birecik) regions. Since its production is low in our country, saffron produced in Turkey is very expensive.)

Structure: It is a perennial herbaceous plant with a bulbous tuber, covered with dark brown scales in the form of spider web or combed thread. The leaves are 3-9 narrow striped, with a white vein in the middle of the lower side. During the flowering period of the plant or after it has bloomed, two white veins appear parallel to the main vein. The flowers are pale violet and mottled with darker veins. The flower petals are 6-part, the stamens are 3, and the pollen sacs are yellow. The fruit sample is also 3-3.5 cm long with an orange-red ligule.

Parts Used: The fruit is a webbed. These are collected immediately after the dew has risen. They are dried in the shade or in ovens heated to 45 degrees. The dry drug is orange red or coffee red. It has a pepper-like odor. Its taste is slightly bitter. It is placed in well-sealed containers and stored in dark places.

Things to consider when purchasing:

It is a very laborious plant to cultivate, at most 100 grams of saffron is obtained from 1000 m2 area, around 20,000 strands (one strand of saffron) are required for one kilogram of drug. Saffron is a very expensive plant. It is known that it is often counterfeited by mixing calendula (Calendula ooficinalis L.), mountain oxeye (Arnica montana L.) and wild saffron safflower (Crocus ppallasianus Herb.) and their flowers.

In some European countries, turmeric is also known as saffron (tumeric, curcuma). Especially Germany, which calls turmeric saffron, uses it frequently in dishes such as chicken and rice with turmeric. Due to the habits and sensations coming from there, when yellow saffron is mentioned in our country, turmeric is presented to the consumer.

Chemical Composition of Saffron: It contains yellow dye crocin, red dye crocetin, icrocron glycoside, carotene, lycopine, zeaxanthin, essential oil (consisting of pinene, seneol etc.), vitamin B1 and B2 sugars, fatty substances, bitter substances, wax, mineral salts, high carbohydrates, calcium salts, phosphoric acid, isorhamnetin and kaempferol flavonoids etc.

In food: It is used as a sweetener and colorant. It has a unique taste and smell.

Usage as tea: To make unmixed original saffron tea, add 3-4 strands of saffron to 200 ml of water, that is, one glass, and after releasing its color and scent, consume two or three glasses during the day. In this way, you will obtain a perfect and economical tea, consume at least 250 glasses of only saffron tea from the 10 grams of saffron on sale on the site and benefit from the following effects. It should be sweetened with honey.

Usage as a paste: It is recommended to add 10-20 grams of saffron to 500 grams of honey and wait for 1 week before consuming. Here, we recommend using 50 grams of turmeric to increase the consistency and benefit from the effects of turmeric. (See turmeric in the website)

Diseases Used For: The plant has diuretic, stomachic, pain relieving and nerve calming effects.

In folk medicine, it is used for stomach and intestinal pain, heart weakness, nervous shortness of breath, whooping cough, amenorrhea, low stomach, laughter hysteria, twitching of the eyes and eyelashes, sleeping sickness, dizziness, bloody phlegm, uterine bleeding, nosebleeds, painful menstrual periods, gases, etc. It also has the feature of increasing sexual performance.

The dilutes mixed with alcohol (in a ratio of 1:20) are left for 7 days. The tincture is used as a compress against bruised wounds on lymphatic swellings and against inflammation of the nipples of nursing mothers.

It also has an important place in the confectionery industry. It is included in preparations such as Alcoholatum Gari, TK (Garus alcohol), Elixir Aromaticum, Collyrium Leteum and tinctura opii crocata TK (opium spirit).

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